*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine Read_Families on PE 035
ERROR: The number of Chemical Families 77 is larger than the number of fields provided in the ChemFamilyName array. Reduce N_Chem_Fams in SC_CTRL file or provide more Chemical Families.
Abort(0) on node 35 (rank 35 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0) - process 35
Could you send your file called CMAQ_Control_Misc.nml, or paste it’s contents here?
Best wishes,
Ben Murphy
When you say the error value is consistent with the value you modified, could you be more specific? In your posted image, the value for N_Chem_Fams is 0. It is concerning that the error in your first post lists 77 chemical families. Does this value respond at all to changes in N_Chem_Fams?
If my N_Chem_Fams=0, the error message displays ERROR: The number of Chemical Families 77 is larger than the number of fields provided in the ChemFamilyName array.
If I set N_Chem_Fams=2, the error message shows ERROR: The number of Chemical Families 79 is larger than the number of fields provided in the ChemFamilyName array.
Thank you for the clarification. Can you send one of the CTM_LOG_ files that were generated for your simulation?
I am sorry for not replying to your message in time. I have solved the error, because when I modified cb6r5_ae7_aq mechanism of CCTM, there is no good correspondence between SpecDef file and ELMO_DATA, and I have not modified it in mechanism_information in time. Therefore, the reason is wrong. Thank you very much for your reply before