Issue with "Stack_groups" files while mapping NEI 2020 Fire emissions


I am trying to map WRF-Chem pm2.5 input emissions using the 2020 NEI Fire emissions for about three months. However, it seems that the model is only reading the first “stack_groups” file (i.e 01/01/2020) and not the full 92 files. Is there a way to group the stack_groups files together or a special command while generating the input emissions files?

Thank you!

Thank you for your question. Were you able to get your questions answered in this related post?

I am currently working on it but do not have a definite answer yet.

Hi Nafissa,

You may want to use SMOKE mrgpt program to merge point source inline emission file and stackgroup file. More detail are in SMOKE User Guide but be aware that there are some discrepancies between the User Guide and the mrgpt program as reported earlier in the CMAS forum. We are work on updating the User Guide.

I attach here with a example script for running mrgpt.
merge_point_simple.csh (2.0 KB)

The stack groups files for fires are day-specific and should only be associated with the corresponding daily inline emissions file. The currently available SMOKE to WRF-Chem processor (EPA_ANTHRO_EMIS: WRF-Chem Tools for the Community | Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling) does not support the conversion of inline post-SMOKE fire emissions files.

Thank you, James, for providing great information on this issue.

Nafissa, I’m sorry for not providing you the correct answer and, unfortunately, and I don’t have other suggestion for you for now.