LL2XY_LAM error because truelat1 and truelat2 are the same

my wrfout-put data time during a month.Whther have methods to solve the issue

Greetings, please see this post with information about this case: Fix Lambert Conformal Conic (Tangent Case) by ramespada · Pull Request #192 · USEPA/CMAQ · GitHub

I’m also flagging @tlspero for awareness.

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I have a new version of the routine, and it largely follows the GitHub Issue that @foley.kristen pointed to you. I attached it here. You will need to change the file name to remove the “.txt” extension. You will also need to modify the Makefile to remove the compiling of ll2xy_lam_sec.f90 and ll2xy_lam_tan.f90.This code should be included in a forthcoming release.

ll2xy_lam.f90.txt (7.7 KB)