Hi all,
I am working on MEGAN v3.2 preprocessing program
When I run prepmegan4cmaq_grwform.x, I got this error:
Reading megan2 bio emiss file GF3aTree.nc
NetCDF: Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built.
My netcdf library is the one built for WRF with --disable-netcdf4 --disable-shared --disable-dap, version is netcdf-c-4.7.2.tar.gz and netcdf-fortran-4.5.2.tar.gz
Since your netcdf is built without netcdf4, you could try converting that file to classic NETCDF:
nccopy -k classic GF3aTree.nc GF3aTree_classic.nc
*@hogrefe.christian has pointed out that this probably will not work if nccopy was also built with --disable-netcdf4. In that case I would consider building a NetCDF library without that flag.
dear willison.jeff
Thank you for your help.
It takes me a long time to install netcdf with netcdf4, but with “–enable-netcdf4 --enable-shared --enable-dap”, prepmegan4cmaq_grwform.x even can’t be compiled. I will continue to try, but I want to say thank you first.