Dear all,
Here is a matter about MEGANv3.1 preprocessor really puzzled me.
I am trying to run ./prepmegan4cmaq.grwform.x < prepmegan4cmaq.27km.inp,
Here is error info.
convert_emissions: failed to read namelist; error = -1
STOP bio_emiss abort
Here is the prepmegan4cmaq.27km.inp.
start_lai_mnth = 7,
end_lai_mnth = 7,
wrffile = ‘/disk/r071/cliucv/megan_test/WRF_data/2020070112/wrfout_d01_2020-07-01_12_00_00’,
megan_dir = ‘/disk/r071/cliucv/megan_test/MEGAN_data’,
out_dir = ‘/disk/r071/cliucv/megan_test/MEGAN_Prep_Output’,
treefilename = ‘’
treevarname = ‘m20tree’
treefillvalue = ‘-128’
shrubfilename = ‘’
shrubvarname = ‘m204shrub’
treefillvalue = ‘-128’
grassfilename = ‘’
grassvarname = ‘m202grass’
treefillvalue = ‘-128’
cropfilename = ‘’
cropvarname = ‘m20crop’
treefillvalue = ‘-128’
x0 = 52,
y0 = 22,
ncolsin = 182,
nrowsin = 138,
I am sure that these growthform files are under the megan_dir directory. The wrfout file is under the directory and includes one hour information on July 1st, 2020.