I am using the 2013 EQAUTES case, and found some missing/corrupted files for ICBC/MCIP files in the Google Drive.
- The BCON for Feb 2013 is missing
- For Jan 2013 MCIP, the tar files for 01/03 and 01/04 are corrupted (or not complete), with smaller file size than the other tar files.
Could you please re-upload the files? Thanks!
Hi Liz,
Thanks for your upload. I found the updated MCIP files with the reasonable size, but the BCON for Feb 2013 is still missing. Could you please update them as well?
Also, I plan to start another run in 2017 to speed up my processing. I noticed that the static files (EPIC soil files and stack_groups for cmv, othpt, ptegu, ptnonipm, and pt_oil&gas, see details in PT EMIS file missing in EQUATES Google Drive) have not be updated except for 2012 and 2013. Is it possible to update them for all EQUATES years (2003-2019)?
Hi Hao,
I have uploaded the BCON file for 201302
I found all the files in the shared Google Drive. Thanks a lot for your help!