I started compiling MCIP and i was able to run the Makefile to get the executables. However, I was unable to find the Namelist.mcip file (that takes in config parameters to run MCIP). Hence, I have not been able to run MCIP executable. Could anyone be of assistance to solve this issue.
This was the error I get when I do ./mcip.exe
Hi @Akinwunmi!
The file namelist.mcip should be written by the script, run_mcip.csh. If you are using that script to execute MCIP and if you still do not have the namelist.mcip file, please ensure that the appropriate directories exist and that you have write permissions in those directories.
Thanks for he response, Tanya. So, I did necessary edit on the run_mcip script and ran it, but i kept getting this error
The MCIP script is among the scripts that have been set up to run the full CMAQ system. It appears that you need to set the environment variable “CMAQ_HOME” as the top-level directory where you download the full CMAQ code structure.
Alternatively, if you are just running MCIP, you can modify the MCIP script to remove the dependency on CMAQ_HOME. It really depends on what you are trying to do with MCIP (and CMAQ) within your group. If you want to modify the MCIP script because you do not intend to run CMAQ yourself right now, then you can remove L125 (“source …”), edit L131-133 to set the locations of where to find your WRF output, and edit L135 to set the location for your MCIP executable.
Thank you Tanya, it worked.
Meanwhile, I ran it but get another that states this,
But this is what I have in my run script, and the file path is correct
Without access to your system, I cannot verify that for you. Two things:
Please cut and paste (not retype) the link to the file that is supposedly incorrect from MCIP’s perspective, and use the command “ncdump -h file_name”, where file_name is the thing in your error message. You will either see that there is a typo in file_name or you lack permissions to access it.
In your script variable “InMetFiles”, you will need to change “wrfout” to “wrf2d” for the other files, if that is how you named your wrfout files. Also, please ensure that the dates in your MCIP script (farther down in the top matter in the script) align with the dates that you intend to process in MCIP.
The missing variable is a 1D array that is related to WRF’s vertical coordinate. Because you are using files that have a name of “wrf2d”, that tells me that you probably transformed your standard WRF output (“wrfout”) files into those files. You will need to provide the WRF output files with the complete set of variables to MCIP so that you can use those data to run CMAQ.
Yes, I did not run wrf myself. I actually I downloaded the output data from the NCAR reanalysis data. Is there anything that could be done to make it work,
It sounds like the WRF data that you acquired from NCAR are insufficient to run CMAQ. If you need WRF data, you may also consider downloading WRF data that accompany the EQUATES dataset. Those data are available with no cost via Amazon Web Services. Those WRF data were prepared specifically to run CMAQ. For more information about EQUATES, please see EQUATES | US EPA.
Thank you for the information. I will check it out