Missing October H-CMAQ output for 2016 dataset

I do not see the 2016 October output from H-CMAQ 2016 simulation at 2016 - Google Drive and I was wondering if it would be possible to add it back?

Yes, I will upload this file. Thank you for reporting it missing.

Thanks @lizadams , HCMAQ 2016 October file is now there:

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Hi @lizadams ,

I am trying to download the HCMAQ output (daily avg CCTM_CONC*) files from Google drive (at for example at 2013 - Google Drive) and getting this message in the SLURM standard output:

Failed to download file: googleapi: got HTTP response code 403 with body: {
 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "global",
    "reason": "downloadQuotaExceeded",
    "message": "The download quota for this file has been exceeded."
  "code": 403,
  "message": "The download quota for this file has been exceeded."

What could be causing the problem? Is there a limit on how much data I can request for download? I tried for many years, and the download would stop after 0,1,2 or 3 file downloads in each year and give the above quota exceeded message.

Hi Skunwar,
Sorry for the late reply. Can you tell me what download method you used? Are you using rclone or gdrive or another method? I haven’t seen that error before.


Hi @lizadams , I was using gdrive with -r option for recursive download of the entire folder when this occurred. When I downloaded the individual month file one by one the next day, this error did not show up. Thanks!

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