When I try to view the NH3 variable of CMAQv5.3.2 output file CCTM_DRYDEP_v532_intel_2016_CONUS_20140201.nc on VERDI, I see white patches (as opposed to the widespread gray color) in some places although white color is not shown on the color bar on the right side:
When the same variable+file is visualized on ncview, I am still seeing the same white patches that are not referenced on the colorbar all over the land surface:
When I perform M3STAT on the file, I get NaN as the mean value of NH3:
Actually, the two other ammonia variables in the same CCTM_DRYDEP_* file also have NaN values:
Since NH3_Emis also has mean value of NaN, I checked (using M3STAT) the FEST model output file (Ammonia Bidi is activated in CMAQ runscript) but did not see any NaN mean value, only Infinity as the standard deviation:
Does this hint at a problem with NH3 in CMAQ simulation or input file?