Dear Professors, I would like to ask you a question. At present, the ozone concentration NMB simulated by me is only negative 46%, and the PM2.5 concentration simulated is even lower. In this case, how do you think my simulation is correct?
Please post more information about your CMAQ outputs. Time series of observation vs simulation would be helpful.
Hello, professor. Now I have checked the error in the picture after opening CTM_EMISCHK, and I input two emissions. What should I do to solve the error in the BVOC emission report txt file generated by MEGAN? Thank you very much for reading the letter
CCTM.txt (85.5 KB)
Thanks for making a new post for this question.
The error message in your screenshot says you are looking for emissions of AACD, which is not found in any of the provided emissions input files. You need to either make sure that AACD exists on one of the emissions inputs or set CTM_EMISCHK to F.
Please also see the “Please read before posting” page for tips on how to debug your simulation and the information needed to include in your post.
Dear Professor,
Hello, and thank you so much for your reply. I truly appreciate your guidance. I still have a couple of issues that I would like to ask you about. Following your advice, I have turned off the modules you mentioned. However, I now have two types of emission inputs. One is anthropogenic emissions, EMIS_001 and EMS_002, and EMS_002 is generated by MEGAN. However, after adding EMS_002, I encountered the error shown in the attached image. I am unsure how to resolve this issue. Once again, thank you for your help.
Best regards,
You likely have some missing or bad values (e.g. very large positive or negative values) in your MEGAN emissions file which then cause the reported NaN values when the CCTM reads in these emissions. You will need to examine the fields in that emissions file to identify these bad values and then trace your way back to why such values were generated by MEGAN.
Dear professor, hello and thank you very much for receiving your reply. There is still a small question, that is, do we need to open setenv CTM_BIOGEMIS_MG N and when inputing EMI2 emission
setenv BDSNP_MEGAN N These two modules
You would only set these variable to TRUE if you wanted to use inline MEGAN rather than providing an emissions file prepared by MEGAN offline.
The issue you are encountering may be similar to the one discussed in this previous thread.