Hello everone. I am a student studying MCIP and am currently encountering some issues while running it. Could you please provide some guidance? The problem is shown in the screenshot below:
I have tried various combinations of WRF and MCIP versions (including all combinations of WRF v4.2 to v4.5 with CMAQ v5.3 and v5.4), but all of them report the same error.
When I run nc-config --all
and nf-config --all
, the output is as follows:
I have uploaded the output file generated by running ncdump -h [file] >&log.txt&
log.txt (55.3 KB)
When I run ls -l
, showed:
-rw-r--r-- 1 a67934wf fatpou01 226398400 Feb 2 17:43 /net/scratch2/a67934wf/WRF_out_36_new/wrfout_d01_2019-01-01_00:00:00
- My I/O API version is 3.2.
- My compiler is gcc@8.2.0.
I hope to receive everyone’s guidance and help. Thank you all!!
Hi @wenxing!
Thank you for opening a new thread.
I have one suggestion for you to try before I dive in. Please consider renaming your WRF output file to “wrfout” and try running again with that file name in the script. This will eliminate whether there is a character in the long file name that is causing the error.
If that test also fails, then we will have additional information to guide the next steps.
Hi Tanya,
Thank you for your quick response.
I have followed your suggestion and renamed the WRF output file to “wrfout” but the error still persists. Additionally, I tried linking the file to the current working directory, but the same issue remains.
I look forward to your reply. Thanks again for your help!
— Wenxing
@wenxing –
Thank you for making the quick test and posting the results here. That was helpful.
I looked back at your initial post–and thank you for all of the great background on this issue. I focused on this excerpt:
If I understand correctly, “a67934wf” is supposed to be a directory in the path of the WRF output file. However, the permissions do not have “execute” among them, so you cannot change directories to explore the contents of “a67934wf” or any of its subdirectories.
If this is the case, please go to /net/scratch2 and type the command:
chmod 755 a67934wf
This command adds “execute” privileges to the directory “a67934aw”, which allows you to change directories. After you execute the command and type “ls -l”, then you should see the following pattern ahead of the directory name:
Edited to add: If you do not own the directory “a67934wf”, then the directory owner will need to modify the permissions to add “execute” privileges so that the contents of the directory can be explored.
Hope this helps.
It would not be possible to ls -l the file, or ncdump its header, if there is no execute permission on the directory, so I think that is not the problem.
You might try copying the file from /net/scratch2 onto the same disk from which you are running mcip. Maybe the way you are submitting the job, the mcip executable does not have access to /net/scratch2.
Yes, @cgnolte is correct. I misread the “ls -l” excerpt to be two separate lines. Looking at it with that lens, I think “a67934wf” is actually the user ID for @wenxing, so please disregard my last post.
I think there is something wrong with the file permissions, though, as @cgnolte also suggested.