No output from SMOKE Example Case

Hi there,

I have compiled SMOKE V5.1, and trying to make sure it’s compiled successfully. I downloaded SMOKE-Example-Case from GitHub - CEMPD/SMOKE-ExampleCase: Scripts for the SMOKE Example Case, and followed the README file step-by-step. When I run np_oilgas script (step 4 of the README), the run ends with:

SCRIPT ERROR: timetracker script found multiple existing entries
for the following primary keys in the file already:
Sector = np_oilgas
Job Name = Annual_area
Program = smkreport
Run Date = inv
This should not happen, so script does not know how to
replace the entries for these keys
ERROR: Problem calling timetracker from qa_run script
ERROR: Running qa_run for inv
grep: /project/zhan248_1326/se_512/models/smoke/run_cases/example_case/SMOKE-TestCase/intermed/np_oilgas/logs: Is a directory
grep: /project/zhan248_1326/se_512/models/smoke/run_cases/example_case/SMOKE-TestCase/intermed/np_oilgas/logs: Is a directory
log analyzer
Getting message data (might take some time)…
Finished getting data
Classifying message types…
Total number of known messages: 11086
Total number of unknown messages: 0
Level 3 analysis…
Finished classifying message types
grep: /project/zhan248_1326/se_512/models/smoke/run_cases/example_case/SMOKE-TestCase/intermed/np_oilgas/logs: Is a directory
grep: /project/zhan248_1326/se_512/models/smoke/run_cases/example_case/SMOKE-TestCase/intermed/np_oilgas/logs: Is a directory
log analyzer
Getting message data (might take some time)…
Finished getting data
Classifying message types…
Total number of known messages: 11086
Total number of unknown messages: 0
Level 1 analysis…
Finished classifying message types
Testing for exit priority <= 1
All message priorities > 1

As I’ve seen in other posts in the forum, timetracker error could be ignored.
Some files are created in the intermediate folder (agmat, asmat, etc), but no files in premerged or smoke_out folders. Also, there’s no error in the log files, they ends with:

Normal Completion of program GRDMAT
Normal Completion of program SMKINVEN
Normal Completion of program SMKREPORT
Normal Completion of program SPCMAT

Does anyone know why SMOKE is not creating output files for np_oilgas?

Please let me know if you need more details.


Hi Soroush,

I tested the Example Case and got the output files for np_oilgas. However, depending on how you made change to the directory_definitions.csh file, the premerged directory could be created under another sub-directory level. Please check if you have premerged directory under $INSTALL_DIR/SMOKE-TestCase/SMOKE-TestCase/premerged
