Onroad vehicle classification in SMOKE

Hi all,

I am looking for some clarification for the onroad vehicle classifications using the SMOKE platform. I am aware that SMOKE-MOVES platform aggregates MOVES SCC codes differently than the stand-alone MOVES model (2.8.4. Mobile-source processing using MOVES). For example, SMOKE does not include Regulatory Class IDs into the SCCs, whereas stand-alone MOVES does include the regulatory class (MOVES cheat cheat - https://github.com/USEPA/EPA_MOVES_Model/blob/master/docs/MOVES4CheatsheetOnroad.pdf).

My question is regarding those regulatory classes. Is there a way in SMOKE-MOVES to calculate the percentage of a specific vehicle type falls within a regulatory class category? For example- is there a way to calculate the percentage of source type vehicles 41 and greater (e.g., single-unit short-haul, buses, motorhomes) that fit into the stand-alone MOVES regulatory class 41 (i.e., Class 2b and 3 trucks 8,500lbs<GVWR<14,000lbs)? To say that another way, is there a way to estimate what number or percentage of single-unit short-hauls as classified as a class2b or class3 regulatory class vehicle.

If this estimation is not feasible in the SMOKE platform, I’m also open to ideas on other ways to approximate such a percentage. Thank you in advance.

I have also reviewed EPA-420-R-16-003a and have not really found a definitive answer.

Perhaps it would be easier to ask what SMOKE-MOVES vehicle source types that match to the class2b and class3 vehicles and what percentage of the source types do they comprise of? For example, what percentage of passenger trucks (source type 31 or 32) are Class2b and Class3 comprised of? Thank you in advance.

I think you’ll need to take a look into the underlying fleet mixes used by MOVES. It looks like the stmyFraction column in the sampleVehiclePopulation table would be of interest:

fraction of vehicles within the source type, model year combination which are of the given reg class and fuel type