Questions for month set in arinv file

Hi teachers,

I have a question about month set in arinv file. I use 2008 EDGAR HTAP V2 monthly files for running SMOKE. When Month set in arinv file is 0 it finished normally, while month is corresponding value (for example it is 1 in my case below) it occurs error like below:

I am wondering if it is ok even though month set is 0 as long as what I process is monthly file? I think when I process monthly files it can still normally allocate weekly and hourly. Is my understanding correct?

The month column should be set to 0 only for sectors that have annual inventories (e.g. ships, aircraft in HTAPv2). Otherwise the column should be filled with the correct month integer 1-12 that corresponds to the monthly input file. All months should be listed in the same ARINV file. We only see the January files listed in your screenshot.

You should also check that the variable names in the third column (e.g. emi_nox, emi_co, etc) match what is in the gridded input netCDFs. The error you are getting leads us to believe the variable names aren’t matching up between what is listed in the ARINV file and what is in the netCDF files.

Thank you for your reply. I have confirmed that the variable name is consistent with the input emission list. I will try to list all the data from January to December in arinv and give you the feedback result.

Hi alison,

I tried what you said to process monthly files but I failed again. Still the error “missing or negative value of input data”. Is that ok if I process all files with yearly ones? And I am wondering which class for the sector “ship” should be. I cant find it in time ref file (below).

We are not following what the user is trying to do with the TREF. For example, you have the “pollname” column set to -9 while we have it set to 0 in ours.

The TREF that we use for processing HTAPv2 (like in EQUATES) looks like the screenshot below.

Have you checked this package for example ancillary files? Index of /air/emismod/2011/hemispheric

I encountered the same issue.
When setting the month in the arinv file, a “Missing or negative value” error occurs.

As a workaround, I set all the month values to 0 in the arinv file and am currently running the process.
Have you managed to resolve this issue?

I haven’t resolved this issue. I am wondering if it is only for yearly emission file when month values set to 0?

Besides, have you runned EDGAR-HTAPV3 with smoke and then CMAQ successfully? I processed EDGAR-HTAPV3 inventory with gspro and gsref that alison provided with smoke. But I failed to run CMAQ- afterwards. Could you help me check my error which is attached in my latest thread. Thank you!