Raster Tool Error: error while loading shared libraries: libgeos-3.4.2.so


I’ve gotten past the generic HDF4 Error with some help from CMAS

Here is what I was directed to do:
Use h4dump (ncdump for h4 file in Spatial Allocator alias) to check the variable name in your file.

  • The old MODIS file variable is: Land_Cover_Type_1

  • The new MODIS file variable is: LC_Type1

If you have new MODIS variable, you need to do this:
In geo_functions.cpp and in string getHDF4VarAttrInfo function:

attStr = string ( attBuff );
//attStr.erase (count);

In computeGridLandUse.cpp
//MODIS tile land cover class variable: may change depending on NASA MODIS LC products

//string modisVarName = string ( "Land_Cover_Type_1" );
string modisVarName = string ( "LC_Type1" );`

Repeat what was done on computeGridLandUse.cpp to computeGridLandUse)beld4.cpp
Somehow, the new MODIS file “long_name” attribute count is set to 100, not real char counts like before.

Run the make file in the src/raster directory

make clean
make install