I was able to get around the problem by reinstalling spatial allocator but now I am running into this problem while running the same command as in the above post.
Rasterizing projected Shapefile…
Rasterized grid Shapefile is stored in file: tmp1825538467_img.bil
/home/pkasper/Documents/Spatial_Allocator/src/libs/gdal-2.0.2/local/bin/gdal_translate -ot UInt32 -a_ullr -2361585.000000 3177435.000000 2263845.000000 259065.000000 -scale 0 255 0 0 -outsize 154181 97279 -of EHdr /home/pkasper/Documents/Spatial_Allocator/data/NLCD2006/NLCD2006_2011_20141010/nlcd_2006_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10.img tmp1825538467_img.bil
Input file size is 161190, 104424
0…10…20ERROR 3: Failed to write scanline 21502 to file.
ERROR 1: An error occured while writing a dirty block
ERROR 3: Failed to write scanline 21503 to file.
Hi, I encounter a similar problem which indicated similar error information(Error in system call…gdal-2.0.2/local/bin/gdal_translate -ot UInt32…)Would you mind tell me how you solve this problem? Thanks.