Hello! I’m using the following SAPRC gspro files for the 2016v2 emissions modeling platform:
I’ve noticed that at least two new profiles have been introduced (CBMPWWY for np_oilgas and vcpy for solvents) to the 2016v2 EMP. Unfortunately these profiles are not included in the aforementioned gspro files, which lead to errors when running SPCMAT.
Are updated SAPRC gspro files available for the 2016v2 EMP? From what I can tell, it appears that these profiles are not available in the SPECIATE database (please correct me if I am wrong).
Any guidance with this issue would be greatly appreciated! 
We are in the process of upgrading to some new speciation profiles for that sector.
We will probably have the referenced profile available to support SAPRC in the next couple of weeks and will post it once ready.
In the meantime, you could change CBMPWWY to 1207 in the GSREF file.
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I had an additional question about running SAPRC for the othpt and onroad_mex sectors, as these are pre-speciated for CB06. Assuming all the relevant SARPC profiles in gspro are available, is it possible to back-calculate the total amount of VOCs from the CB06-speciated VOC inventory files, and then run SMOKE as usual?
For othpt, the solution seems even simpler, as one could make a copy of the “canada_MYR_2016_point_VOC_INV_monthly_27dec2020_v0.csv” file, and just rename all “VOC_INV” pollutants to “VOC” (that way they are speciated in SPCMAT)?
This seems a bit too good to be true, so I wanted to check if this method would be appropriate.
Many thanks in advance!
Thank you Alison! Was able to run othpt and onroad_mex successfully for SAPRC07.
For anyone else reading this that may be interested, the process for onroad_mex essentially involves updating the gspro file with that from the “onroad_as_nonpoint_saprc” package, updating the invtable to exclude carbon bond VOC species, and updating the input file to rename “VOC_INV” pollutants to “VOC”.