Seeking raw spatial data for custom surrogates

I am making 1.3km resolution spatial surrogates using ArcGIS tools (not the Spatial Allocator). I’ve been trying to track down the raw data that the EPA 4, 12, and 36 km data are based on, so that my 1.3km surrogates are consistent with these other sets. Where I can find these data?

All shapefiles used for EPA’s surrogates have been posted here.

Which platform are you working on the surrogates for? 2014? 2016? Other?

I’m working on 2017 platform surrogates. Attempting to generate surrogates for two 1.333km domains. Are there updated load_shapefile.csh and load_shapefile_reproject_multi.csh scripts for the shapefiles here?

You can find the 2017 shapefile loading scripts in the SurrogateToolsDB GitHub repository in the util directory:


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