You can keep set IfGeo = “T” in you run-script. Just replace file_ter = “$InGeo” with file_geo = “$InGeo” in your script because geofile defined in the fortran code such as setup_wrfem.f90 and rdwrfem.f90, etc is file_geo rather than file_ter used in the original script we downloaded.
I hope it is helpful.
I now know what happened to your case. Just comment line 286 in readnml.f90 and line 447 in chkwrfhdr.f90 which perhaps unnecessarily restrictive. Then try to run mcip again after recompile its source code.
! CALL graceful_stop (pname)
Do not forget to correct line 759 of the ctmproc.f90 routine according to Mcipv5.0 bug detected
I just tried your suggestion and it works very fine. And to my dear friend @thayna.gomes kindly try and recompile your mcip as suggested to you and lets know how it goes.