I’m using the 2016_beta platform to process emissions over two nested domains, 4 km and 1.33 km, but I’m getting hung up on the RPP sector in the 1.33 km domain. RPP worked fine in the 4 km domains and the other 1.33 km onroad sectors proceed without error as well. The error I’m getting is:
*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine MOVESMRG
Could not find minimum or maximum temperatures for county 000000017197 and episode month 7
Date and time 0:00:00 July 1, 2018 (2018182:000000)
Oddly, 17197 is not a representative country, and I have ef_tables for it’s representative country (17043). I’ve tried adding lines to both MFMREF to describe representative months for 17197 and MRCLIST (mrclist_RPP_2016v2_AQ_CB6_11oct2018_18oct2018_v0) so that even if it does choose 17197 as a representative county, it points to the actual representative county file (i.e., 17043).
This line is in my MCXREF file: 0,17,197,0,17,43
I’m not sure what else try - but I’m wondering if it is an issue between my grid and the daily min/max temp file I created with met4moves. Though why the 4 km would work and not 1.33 is not clear to me. Any help is greatly appreciated - Thanks!