SMOKE Installation


I am trying to install SMOKE v4.7 on my computer but I am running into the issue where after running the installation script (smoke_install_v47.csh) I get the following error

SMOKE_HOME/subsys/smoke/assigns/set_case.scr: No such file or directory.

I do see that there is only an ifort tar file and I am running GNU compilers. Is there only an ifort compiler option?

Please follow the installation instruction listed in Chapter 12.

yes I have been following those. Number 6 is where i encounter the error

Based on your error message, you did not set SMK_HOME environment variable correctly (step 2). You need to create a folder you want to install SMOKE and then set “SMK_HOME” to the folder. After that, you need to invoke ./smoke_install.csh script.

That fixed the problem. Still new to tcsh and just messed up the variable name.

Follow on question though: does SMOKE not have gfortran installation? I am only seeing ifort