Unable to run "computeGridLandUse_beld4.exe" with error reading NLCD land cover data

Hi, I want to run FEST-C to generate fertilizer application data. According to the user guide, the first step is to generate the BELD4 data using “Spatial Allocator” tool.

So I download the NLCD 2006 data. The previous link (http://www.mrlc.gov/nlcd2006.php) is not working so I did some search and download the following file:

Link: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/mrlc/Annual_NLCD_LndCov_2006_CU_C1V0.tif

However, I ran into the “segmentation fault” when I launch the computeGridLandUse_beld4.exe program. It appears that the program has problem reading the NLCD data. I am not sure if this is something to do with the memory on my system or did I download the wrong file? Is there a sample file that I can test? MODIS files (MCD12Q1) seem to have same problem. I saw in another post that maybe an earlier version (v5) could work.

Obtaining image information from /SA/spatial-Allocator-master/data/sat/AnnualNLCD_LndCov_2006_CU_C1V0.tif…
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
