Units SMOKE training material for RPD mobile sector

I do not see any issue from your log file. Where did you get the original message from? If this does not cause any problem, please ignore this warning message.

WARNING: Inventory base year -1 is inconsistent with year
of episode start date 2017

I just got it from the Movesmerge log file.so, I can ignore it.
But as you saw, there are another warnings in Smkinven log file.
I mean these :
WARNING: Missing average day emissions for VMT at line
WARNING: Missing average day emissions for SPEED at line

I do not have any idea to solve these warnings.
As you saw, I used Annual activity values in my mbinv.VMT.nc.txt.


Mr.@bbaek :point_up_2:
I look forward to your reply

Best regards

You do not need to solve these warning messages. FYI, warning messages are generally designed to be more informative than addressing them. Those warning messages are created because you did not fill the average information during Smkinven processing. Since VMT and SPEED are activity dataset but emissions, you do not have average day emissions to fill those missing information. So, you can ignore these warning messages.
When EPA releases the NEI platform packages, they have gone through all those warning and note messages to make sure all are in a good shape for you to move forward.
Hope this answers your questions.


@bbaek Thanks again.
It was so useful for me.