AMETv14 Soccerplot: Error: unexpected symbol in

Hello I am trying to run a soccerplot using AMETv1.4. I have successfully ran scatterplot, timeseries plot etc. But using the same settings, I couldn’t run soccerplot. It’s giving me the following error (attached soccerplot script and default R code script run_soccerplot.txt (5.2 KB) AQ_Soccerplot.R.txt (9.0 KB)

Error: unexpected symbol in:
"### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of plot referred

to as a “soccer”

Execution halted

Hi @wyat.appel
Would you please help me out from this issue?



This is my fault. This has to do with the " that appear in the script header. Please change the header in the AQ_Soccerplot.R file to:

################################ SOCCER GOAL PLOT ##################################

AMET CODE: R_Soccerplot.R

This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of plot referred

to as a soccer goal plot. The idea behind the soccer goal plot is that criteria

and goal lines are plotted in such a way as to form a soccer goal on the plot area.

Two statistics are then plotted, Bias (NMB, FB, NMdnB) on the x-axis and error

(NME, FE, NMdnE) on the y-axis. The better the performance of the model, the closer

the plotted points will fall within the goal lines. This type of plot is used by EPA

and other planning organizations as part of their assessment of model performance.

Last updated by Wyat Appel: June, 2019


I’ve removed the " that appear in the header. That should solve the issue you’re having. Let me if it does not. Thanks.


Thank you so much.

It works.