April 2, 2019, 4:44pm
Hi all
I am trying to compile CCTM but an error comes up:
mpiifort -qopenmp se_bndy_copy_info_ext.o se_pe_info_ext.o se_comm_info_ext.o se_data_send_module.o se_domain_info_ext.o se_internal_util_module.o se_data_recv_module.o se_disp_info_ext.o se_subgrid_info_ext.o se_global_sum_module.o se_global_max_module.o se_global_min_module.o se_slice_module.o se_init_module.o se_bndy_copy_module.o se_comm_module.o se_reconfig_grid_info_ext.o se_reconfig_grid_module.o se_gather_module.o se_data_copy_module.o se_term_module.o se_twoway_comm_module.o se_util_module.o se_modules.o swap_sandia.o swap_sandia_routines.o alloc_data_mod.o pinterpb_mod.o parutilio.o piomaps_mod.o boundary.o get_write_map.o growbuf.o gtndxhdv.o interpol.o pinterpb.o pio_init.o pm3err.o pm3exit.o pm3warn.o pshut3.o ptrwrite3.o pwrgrdd.o pwrite3.o readbndy.o subdmap.o wrsubdmap.o UTILIO_DEFN.o HGRD_DEFN.o VGRD_DEFN.o GRID_CONF.o CGRID_SPCS.o PA_DEFN.o PCGRID_DEFN.o AVG_CONC.o DEPVVARS.o BIDI_MOD.o LSM_MOD.o ASX_DATA_MOD.o HGSIM.o MOSAIC_MOD.o RXNS_DATA_MODULE.o BIOG_EMIS.o BEIS_DEFN.o LUS_DEFN.o LTNG_DEFN.o AEROMET_DATA.o AERO_DATA.o UDTYPES.o STK_EMIS.o STK_PRMS.o PTMAP.o PTBILIN.o SSEMIS.o bmatvec.o PTMET.o DEPV_DEFN.o STD_CONC.o CSQY_DATA.o CLOUD_OPTICS.o PHOT_MET_DATA.o DUST_EMIS.o RXNS_FUNC_MODULE.o PRECURSOR_DATA.o MGEMIS.o PT3D_DEFN.o SOA_DEFN.o AERO_EMIS.o AEROSOL_CHEMISTRY.o PAGRD_DEFN.o EMIS_DEFN.o WVEL_DEFN.o distr_env.o mpcomm_init.o advstep.o driver.o hveloc.o sciproc.o wr_aconc.o wr_cgrid.o wr_conc.o wr_init.o diffmsg.o flcheck.o grdcheck.o initscen.o load_cgrid.o opaconc.o opconc.o couplewrf.o advbc_map.o hadvyppm.o hcontvel.o hppm.o rdbcon.o x_ppm.o x_yamo.o y_ppm.o y_yamo.o zfdbc.o vppm.o zadvppmwrf.o deform.o hcdiff3d.o hdiff.o rho_j.o VDIFF_DIAG.o VDIFF_MAP.o SEDIMENTATION.o aero_sedv.o conv_cgrid.o eddyx.o matrix1.o opddep.o opddep_fst.o opddep_mos.o rddepv.o tri.o vdiffacmx.o vdiffproc.o ABFLUX_MOD.o cgrid_depv.o gas_depv_map.o m3dry.o opdepv_diag.o opdepv_fst.o opdepv_mos.o cropcal.o opemis.o tfabove.o tfbelow.o beis3.o checkmem.o chkgrid.o czangle.o getfline.o getparb.o hrno.o parsline.o tmpbeis.o wrdaymsg.o delta_zs.o fire_plmris.o openlayout.o oppt3d_diag.o plmris.o plsprd.o preplm.o ungridb2.o write3_distr.o complex_number_module.o twoway_rrtmg_aero_optics.o AERO_PHOTDATA.o PHOT_MOD.o SEAS_STRAT_O3_MIN.o PHOTOLYSIS_ALBEDO.o o3totcol.o opphot.o phot.o DEGRADE_SETUP_TOX.o hrdata_mod.o degrade_data.o degrade.o final_degrade.o find_degraded.o hrdriver.o hrg1.o hrg2.o hrg3.o hrg4.o hrinit.o hrprodloss.o hrrates.o hrsolver.o init_degrade.o AOD_DEFN.o PMDIAG_DATA.o aero_depv.o aero_driver.o aero_subs.o coags.o getpar.o isocom.o isofwd.o isorev.o opapmdiag.o opavis.o oppmdiag.o opvis.o AQ_DATA.o acmcld.o aqchem.o aq_map.o cldproc_acm.o convcld_acm.o getalpha.o hlconst.o indexn.o opwdep.o rescld.o scavwdep.o PA_GLOBAL.o PA_IPRDEF.o PA_VARS.o PA_PARSE.o PA_IPRVARS.o pa_compmech.o pa_datagen.o pa_errcheck.o pa_getcoef.o pa_getcycle.o pa_getdesc.o pa_getfamily.o pa_getiprout.o pa_getirrout.o pa_getrxns.o pa_getrxnsum.o pa_init.o pa_irr_ctl.o pa_irr.o pa_mkhdr.o pa_molcloss.o pa_molcprod.o pa_output.o pa_read.o pa_report.o pa_setup_ipr.o pa_setup_irr.o pa_update.o pa_wrtpadefn.o cksummer.o findex.o get_envlist.o lstepf.o setup_logdev.o subhdomain.o subhfile.o -L/media/maria/Backup/CMAQ_Project/PREP/mcip/src/lib/x86_64/intel/ioapi/lib -lioapi -L/media/maria/Backup/CMAQ_Project/PREP/mcip/src/lib/x86_64/intel/netcdf/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -L/media/maria/Backup/CMAQ_Project/PREP/mcip/src/lib/x86_64/intel/mpi/lib -lcurl -o CCTM_v52.exe
/media/maria/Backup/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.3.199/linux/mpi/intel64/lib/ undefined reference to `PMPI_Aint_diff’
I am not a specialist about compilers or programming. I was searching on Internet a possible solution, however I didn’t find anything about it.
Do you have any idea?
Appreciate your help
Hi Maria,
It may be something as simple of adding -lmpi to your config_cmaq.csh
config_cmaq.csh: setenv mpi_lib “-lmpi”
If this doesn’t work, please send the following information:
If you are using modules on a compute server, please use the module list command to see what compiler is loaded:
module list
If not, use the command which mpiifort
to reveal what compiler you are using:
which mpiifort
April 2, 2019, 8:57pm
Thank you for your reply.
I applied the change that you suggested in my config_cmaq.csh, but it didn’t work.
When I typed “which mpiifort” the result is:
Then, I decided to change the path in:
config_cmaq.csh: setenv MPI_LIB_DIR
But a new error comes up:
distr_env.c:(.text+0x156): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_int’
So, I suppose that the change is not in the correct environment variable. Do I have to change the path in other place?
Hi Maria,
Please try adding the following environment variable to your config_cmaq.csh
under the section
case intel:
setenv myLINK_FLAG "-qopenmp"
April 4, 2019, 9:10pm
Hi Liz
In my current config_cmaq.csh file, I have that environment variable but the error persists:
setenv IOAPI_MOD_DIR /media/maria/Backup/IOAPI3.1/Linux2_x86_64ifort/ #> I/O API precompiled modules
setenv IOAPI_INCL_DIR /media/maria/Backup/IOAPI3.1/Linux2_x86_64ifort/ #> I/O API include header files
setenv IOAPI_LIB_DIR /media/maria/Backup/IOAPI3.1/Linux2_x86_64ifort/ #> I/O API libraries
setenv NETCDF_LIB_DIR /media/maria/Backup/netcdf-4.1.3/netcdf/lib/ #> netCDF directory path
setenv NETCDF_INCL_DIR /media/maria/Backup/netcdf-4.1.3/netcdf/include/ #> netCDF directory path
setenv MPI_LIB_DIR /home/maria/Escritorio/openmpi-3.1.1/ #> MPI directory path
#> Compiler Aliases and Flags
setenv myFC mpiifort
setenv myCC icc
setenv myFSTD "-O3 -fno-alias -mp1 -fp-model source"
setenv myDBG "-O0 -g -check bounds -check uninit -fpe0 -fno-alias -ftrapuv -traceback"
setenv myLINK_FLAG "-qopenmp"
setenv myFFLAGS "-fixed -132"
setenv myFRFLAGS "-free"
setenv myCFLAGS "-O2"
setenv extra_lib "-lcurl"
#setenv extra_lib ""
setenv mpi_lib ""
I really appreciate your help
@lizadams Hello
Please, below is the response I got while trying to configure CMAQ:
ERROR: /home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2.1/lib/x86_64/gcc/netcdf/lib/libnetcdf.a does not exist in your CMAQ_LIB directorysource config_cmaq.csh gcc! Check your installation before proceeding with CMAQ build.
Also, while compiling ICON and BCON:
rm: No match.
mpif90: Command not found.
mpif90: Command not found.
mpif90: Command not found.
mpif90: Command not found.
mpif90: No match.
ERROR BLDMAKE Compile failed
Kindly help, please.
Please use the following instructions to install the required software.
## CMAQ Tutorial ##
### Getting Started ###
Purpose: This tutorial describes the steps required to prepare your Linux system for installing and running CMAQ.
Several steps are required to prepare your Linux system for compiling and running CMAQ. Complete all of these steps before installing CMAQ.
Several of these steps are facilitated by having either root or sudo privileges on your system. If you do not have these privileges, work with the system administrator to complete these steps.
1. Install Fortran and C compilers
There are several options for Fortran and C compilers. The [Fortran wiki]( includes a full list of free and commercial Fortran compilers.
Most Linux systems include the Gnu gfortran compiler by default. Other options that have been tested with CMAQ include the **Intel, Portland Group, and Absoft** compilers.
The following instructions are for Gnu compilers. For other Fortran compilers, follow the instructions from the vendor.
Check for the Gnu gfortran compiler:
This file has been truncated. show original
Thanks for your response. But the problems still persist after installing netcdf-c-4.6.3 and netcdf-fortran-4.4.4 following your instructions.
The I/O API Version 3.2 couldn’t be installed on my system too. My system’s linux version is ‘‘x86_64-linux-gnu’’ and is not listed among the versions compatible with the I/0 API.
source config_cmaq.csh gcc 7.3.0
Compiler is set to gcc
ERROR: /home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2.1/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/netcdf/lib/libnetcdf.a does not exist in your CMAQ_LIB directorysource config_cmaq.csh gcc 7.3.0! Check your installation before proceeding with CMAQ build.
I’ll appreciate your further help. Thanks.
Below is what I got:
Makefile:95: home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/ioapi-3.2/ioapi/Makeinclude.Linux2_x86_64gfort: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target ‘home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/ioapi-3.2/ioapi/Makeinclude.Linux2_x86_64gfort’. Stop.
Where did you get this ioapi-3.2/ioapi/ ? Going to the CMAS web-server, I see:
longleaf:download % tar tfz ioapi-3.2.tar.gz | grep gfort
and similarly on the GitHub server… You did follow the I/O API installation instructions didn’t you?
Below is what I got while building CCTM:
gfortran -c -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -I /home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/ioapi/modules -I /home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/ioapi/include_files -I /home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/mpi -I. pinterpb.f
Error: Syntax error in COMMON statement at (1)
Error: Syntax error in COMMON statement at (1)
Makefile:414: recipe for target ‘pinterpb.o’ failed
make: *** [pinterpb.o] Error 1
ERROR while running make command
else if ( 0 ) then
mv Makefile Makefile.gcc7.3.0
if ( -e Makefile.gcc7.3.0 && -e Makefile ) rm Makefile
ln -s Makefile.gcc7.3.0 Makefile
if ( 0 != 0 ) then
if ( -e /home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v52_gcc7.3.0/CCTM_v52.cfg ) then
mv CCTM_v52.cfg.bld /home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v52_gcc7.3.0/CCTM_v52.cfg
Please, help me out as usual. Thanks a lot.
Still on CCTM, kindly assist me. Thanks.
driver.o: In function MAIN__': driver.F:(.text+0x11e3): undefined reference to
driver.F:(.text+0x1283): undefined reference to mpi_finalize_' se_data_send_module.o: In function
se_data_send_module.f:(.text+0x4e7): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_data_send_module.f:(.text+0x55b): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_data_send_module.f:(.text+0x5c7): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_data_send_module.o: In function
se_data_send_module.f:(.text+0x76a): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_data_send_module.o: In function
se_data_send_module.f:(.text+0xe8b): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_data_send_module.o:se_data_send_module.f:(.text+0xf03): more undefined references to
mpi_send ’ follow
se_internal_util_module.o: In function __se_internal_util_module_MOD_se_generate_map': se_internal_util_module.f:(.text+0xe45): undefined reference to
mpi_gather ’
se_internal_util_module.f:(.text+0xe78): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' se_data_recv_module.o: In function
se_data_recv_module.f:(.text+0x1ad): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_data_recv_module.o: In function
se_data_recv_module.f:(.text+0x725): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_data_recv_module.f:(.text+0xa6b): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_data_recv_module.o: In function __se_data_recv_module_MOD_se_4d_data_recv': se_data_recv_module.f:(.text+0xc26): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_data_recv_module.o: In function __se_data_recv_module_MOD_se_3de_data_recv': se_data_recv_module.f:(.text+0x1077): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_data_recv_module.o:se_data_recv_module.f:(.text+0x1389): more undefined references to mpi_recv_' follow se_global_sum_module.o: In function
se_global_sum_module.f:(.text+0xfb): undefined reference to mpi_reduce_' se_global_sum_module.f:(.text+0x2a1): undefined reference to
mpi_bcast ’
se_global_sum_module.o: In function __se_global_sum_module_MOD_se_global_iasum': se_global_sum_module.f:(.text+0x3dc): undefined reference to
mpi_reduce ’
se_global_sum_module.f:(.text+0x53d): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' se_global_sum_module.o: In function
se_global_sum_module.f:(.text+0x5b7): undefined reference to mpi_reduce_' se_global_sum_module.f:(.text+0x5fa): undefined reference to
mpi_bcast ’
se_global_sum_module.o: In function __se_global_sum_module_MOD_se_global_isum': se_global_sum_module.f:(.text+0x647): undefined reference to
mpi_reduce ’
se_global_sum_module.f:(.text+0x686): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' se_global_max_module.o: In function
se_global_max_module.f:(.text+0x3a): undefined reference to mpi_reduce_' se_global_max_module.f:(.text+0x5f): undefined reference to
mpi_bcast ’
se_global_max_module.o: In function __se_global_max_module_MOD_se_global_imax': se_global_max_module.f:(.text+0xba): undefined reference to
mpi_reduce ’
se_global_max_module.f:(.text+0xdf): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' se_global_min_module.o: In function
se_global_min_module.f:(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to mpi_reduce_' se_global_min_module.f:(.text+0x63): undefined reference to
mpi_bcast ’
se_global_min_module.o: In function __se_global_min_module_MOD_se_global_imin': se_global_min_module.f:(.text+0xbe): undefined reference to
mpi_reduce ’
se_global_min_module.f:(.text+0xe3): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' se_slice_module.o: In function
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x45c): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_slice_module.f:(.text+0xa2a): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_slice_module.o: In function __se_slice_module_MOD_se_slice4i': se_slice_module.f:(.text+0xfac): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x14d8): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_slice_module.o: In function
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x1950): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x1e28): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x1ec6): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_slice_module.o: In function
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x2270): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x26a6): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x2744): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_slice_module.o: In function
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x2a54): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x2e2b): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x2ea9): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_slice_module.o: In function
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x3194): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x34ca): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x3549): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_slice_module.o: In function
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x360a): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x364f): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_slice_module.o: In function __se_slice_module_MOD_se_slice1i': se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x36ea): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_slice_module.f:(.text+0x372f): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_init_module.o: In function
se_init_module.F:(.text+0xa5): undefined reference to mpi_comm_dup_' se_init_module.F:(.text+0xce): undefined reference to
mpi_comm_dup ’
se_init_module.F:(.text+0xb4d): undefined reference to mpi_comm_group_' se_init_module.F:(.text+0xeb3): undefined reference to
mpi_group_incl ’
se_init_module.F:(.text+0xed1): undefined reference to mpi_group_excl_' se_init_module.F:(.text+0xeed): undefined reference to
mpi_comm_create ’
se_init_module.F:(.text+0xf08): undefined reference to mpi_comm_create_' se_gather_module.o: In function
se_gather_module.f:(.text+0x271): undefined reference to mpi_gather_' se_gather_module.f:(.text+0x2d9): undefined reference to
mpi_gather ’
se_gather_module.o: In function __se_gather_module_MOD_se_gather3i': se_gather_module.f:(.text+0xef1): undefined reference to
mpi_gather ’
se_gather_module.f:(.text+0xf5a): undefined reference to mpi_gather_' se_gather_module.o: In function
se_gather_module.f:(.text+0x1acd): undefined reference to mpi_gather_' se_gather_module.o:se_gather_module.f:(.text+0x1b32): more undefined references to
mpi_gather ’ follow
se_twoway_comm_module.o: In function __se_twoway_comm_module_MOD_se_twoway_recv4': se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x689): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_twoway_comm_module.o: In function __se_twoway_comm_module_MOD_se_twoway_send4': se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0xf5e): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_twoway_comm_module.o: In function __se_twoway_comm_module_MOD_se_cmaq_wrf_comm4': se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x1f94): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x20c9): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x285b): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x2919): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x29a9): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_twoway_comm_module.o: In function __se_twoway_comm_module_MOD_se_cmaq_wrf_comm3': se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x34b7): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x35d4): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x3c4f): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x3db3): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x3e25): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_twoway_comm_module.o: In function __se_twoway_comm_module_MOD_se_cmaq_wrf_comm2': se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x4761): undefined reference to
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x4879): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_twoway_comm_module.o: In function
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x5a74): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x5ba9): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x633b): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x63f9): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x6489): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_twoway_comm_module.o: In function
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x6f97): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x70b4): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x772f): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x7893): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x7905): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' se_twoway_comm_module.o: In function
se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x8241): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_twoway_comm_module.f:(.text+0x8359): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_util_module.o: In function __se_util_module_MOD_se_collect': se_util_module.f:(.text+0x2d9): undefined reference to
mpi_recv ’
se_util_module.f:(.text+0x60e): undefined reference to mpi_send_' se_util_module.o: In function
se_util_module.f:(.text+0x65a): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' se_util_module.o: In function
se_util_module.f:(.text+0x44a9): undefined reference to mpi_reduce_' se_util_module.f:(.text+0x44d4): undefined reference to
mpi_bcast ’
se_util_module.o: In function __se_util_module_MOD_se_my_region': se_util_module.f:(.text+0x460e): undefined reference to
mpi_reduce ’
se_util_module.f:(.text+0x4636): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' se_util_module.o: In function
se_util_module.f:(.text+0x4690): undefined reference to mpi_reduce_' se_util_module.f:(.text+0x46f3): undefined reference to
mpi_bcast ’
se_util_module.o: In function __se_util_module_MOD_se_isum_chk': se_util_module.f:(.text+0x47a0): undefined reference to
mpi_reduce ’
se_util_module.f:(.text+0x47f6): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' se_util_module.o: In function
se_util_module.f:(.text+0x4a2e): undefined reference to mpi_reduce_' se_util_module.f:(.text+0x4a5b): undefined reference to
mpi_bcast ’
se_util_module.f:(.text+0x4b9d): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' se_util_module.o: In function
se_util_module.f:(.text+0x4d05): undefined reference to mpi_comm_dup_' se_util_module.f:(.text+0x4d12): undefined reference to
mpi_barrier ’
se_util_module.f:(.text+0x4d1f): undefined reference to mpi_comm_free_' se_util_module.f:(.text+0x4d3f): undefined reference to
mpi_barrier ’
swap_sandia.o: In function __swap_sandia_MOD_swap_init_snl': swap_sandia.f:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to
mpi_comm_rank ’
swap_sandia.f:(.text+0x36): undefined reference to mpi_comm_size_' swap_sandia_routines.o: In function
swap1d ’:
swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0x96): undefined reference to mpi_irecv_' swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0x10f): undefined reference to
mpi_send ’
swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0x188): undefined reference to mpi_wait_' swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0x1d0): undefined reference to
swap_sandia_routines.o: In function swap2d_': swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0x2e2): undefined reference to
swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0x53e): undefined reference to mpi_send_' swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0x590): undefined reference to
swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0x5e0): undefined reference to mpi_wait_' swap_sandia_routines.o: In function
swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0x910): undefined reference to mpi_irecv_' swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0xa34): undefined reference to
swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0xa98): undefined reference to mpi_wait_' swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0xb18): undefined reference to
swap_sandia_routines.o: In function swap4d_': swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0xd9f): undefined reference to
swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0xf0e): undefined reference to mpi_irecv_' swap_sandia_routines.f:(.text+0x106c): undefined reference to
pm3err.o: In function pm3err_': pm3err.f:(.text+0xce2): undefined reference to
pm3exit.o: In function pm3exit_': pm3exit.f:(.text+0x8f2): undefined reference to
pshut3.o: In function pshut3_': pshut3.F:(.text+0x665): undefined reference to
ptrwrite3.o: In function ptrwrite3_': ptrwrite3.f:(.text+0x1ff): undefined reference to
ptrwrite3.f:(.text+0x250): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' ptrwrite3.f:(.text+0x279): undefined reference to
ptrwrite3.f:(.text+0x372): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' ptrwrite3.o:ptrwrite3.f:(.text+0x9fc): more undefined references to
mpi_bcast_’ follow
pwrgrdd.o: In function pwrgrdd_': pwrgrdd.f:(.text+0x651): undefined reference to
pwrgrdd.f:(.text+0x746): undefined reference to mpi_recv_' pwrgrdd.f:(.text+0xc9a): undefined reference to
pwrgrdd.f:(.text+0xce4): undefined reference to mpi_send_' pwrgrdd.f:(.text+0xd2e): undefined reference to
pwrite3.o: In function pwrite3_': pwrite3.f:(.text+0x206): undefined reference to
pwrite3.f:(.text+0x257): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' pwrite3.f:(.text+0x280): undefined reference to
pwrite3.f:(.text+0x36f): undefined reference to mpi_bcast_' pwrite3.f:(.text+0x98c): undefined reference to
distr_env.o: In function distr_env_': distr_env.c:(.text+0xd6): undefined reference to
distr_env.c:(.text+0xdd): undefined reference to ompi_mpi_int' distr_env.c:(.text+0xe9): undefined reference to
distr_env.c:(.text+0xf4): undefined reference to ompi_mpi_comm_world' distr_env.c:(.text+0xfb): undefined reference to
distr_env.c:(.text+0x105): undefined reference to MPI_Bcast' distr_env.c:(.text+0x10c): undefined reference to
distr_env.c:(.text+0x111): undefined reference to MPI_Barrier' distr_env.c:(.text+0x148): undefined reference to
distr_env.c:(.text+0x14f): undefined reference to ompi_mpi_int' distr_env.c:(.text+0x163): undefined reference to
distr_env.c:(.text+0x16e): undefined reference to ompi_mpi_comm_world' distr_env.c:(.text+0x175): undefined reference to
distr_env.c:(.text+0x187): undefined reference to MPI_Bcast' mpcomm_init.o: In function
mpcomm_init.F:(.text+0x4d): undefined reference to mpi_init_' mpcomm_init.F:(.text+0x60): undefined reference to
mpcomm_init.F:(.text+0x82): undefined reference to mpi_comm_size_' mpcomm_init.F:(.text+0xa2): undefined reference to
setup_logdev.o: In function setup_logdev_': setup_logdev.F:(.text+0x6d): undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:408: recipe for target ‘CCTM_v52.exe’ failed
make: *** [CCTM_v52.exe] Error 1
ERROR while running make command
You have an error with specifying the MPI libraries in the link-line. Note that what is required is dependent upon which MPI implementation you are using – the MPICH implementation of MPI uses different libraries than OPENMPI (and further note that it is also dependent upon the vendor of the underlying C and Fortran libraries…
Ok. I am using OPENMPI and netcdf-4.1.3. What’s the way forward now, please? Kindly assist me. Thanks.
/home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/ioapi/lib/libioapi.a(wrdict3.o): In function wrdict3_': wrdict3.f90:(.text+0x3a7): undefined reference to
wrdict3.f90:(.text+0x3b3): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_start' wrdict3.f90:(.text+0x55e): undefined reference to
wrdict3.f90:(.text+0x56a): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' wrdict3.f90:(.text+0x8f3): undefined reference to
wrdict3.f90:(.text+0x8ff): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' wrdict3.f90:(.text+0x15b0): undefined reference to
/home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/ioapi/lib/libioapi.a(wrdict3.o):wrdict3.f90:(.text+0x15bc): more undefined references to GOMP_critical_name_end' follow /home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/ioapi/lib/libioapi.a(wriddata.o): In function
wriddata.f90:(.text+0x44): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_start' wriddata.f90:(.text+0x50): undefined reference to
wriddata.f90:(.text+0x184): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' wriddata.f90:(.text+0x190): undefined reference to
wriddata.f90:(.text+0x225): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' wriddata.f90:(.text+0x231): undefined reference to
/home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/ioapi/lib/libioapi.a(wrsmatrx.o): In function wrsmatrx_': wrsmatrx.f90:(.text+0xd3): undefined reference to
wrsmatrx.f90:(.text+0xdf): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_start' wrsmatrx.f90:(.text+0x214): undefined reference to
wrsmatrx.f90:(.text+0x220): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' wrsmatrx.f90:(.text+0x2aa): undefined reference to
wrsmatrx.f90:(.text+0x2b6): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' /home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/ioapi/lib/libioapi.a(crtfil3.o): In function
crtfil3.F90:(.text+0x2c): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_start' crtfil3.F90:(.text+0x46): undefined reference to
crtfil3.F90:(.text+0x69): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_start' crtfil3.F90:(.text+0x4a5): undefined reference to
crtfil3.F90:(.text+0x570): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' crtfil3.F90:(.text+0x57c): undefined reference to
crtfil3.F90:(.text+0x5af): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' crtfil3.F90:(.text+0xa49): undefined reference to
/home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/ioapi/lib/libioapi.a(wrtflag.o): In function wrtflag_': wrtflag.F90:(.text+0xaa): undefined reference to
wrtflag.F90:(.text+0xe3): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' wrtflag.F90:(.text+0x731): undefined reference to
wrtflag.F90:(.text+0x757): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' /home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/ioapi/lib/libioapi.a(rdatt3.o): In function
rdatt3.F90:(.text+0x3f5): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_start' rdatt3.F90:(.text+0x681): undefined reference to
rdatt3.F90:(.text+0x133b): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' rdatt3.F90:(.text+0x1cd5): undefined reference to
rdatt3.F90:(.text+0x1d12): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' rdatt3.F90:(.text+0x1da3): undefined reference to
/home/catalyst/Desktop/Build_WRF/CMAQ-5.2/lib/x86_64/gcc7.3.0/ioapi/lib/libioapi.a(wratt3.o): In function master.0.wratt3_': wratt3.F90:(.text+0x659): undefined reference to
wratt3.F90:(.text+0x6e7): undefined reference to GOMP_critical_name_end' wratt3.F90:(.text+0xb3b): undefined reference to
wratt3.F90:(.text+0x126f): undefined reference to `GOMP_critical_name_end’
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:408: recipe for target ‘CCTM_v52.exe’ failed
make: *** [CCTM_v52.exe] Error 1
ERROR while running make command
What’s your underlying compiler for OpenMPI? Since the I/O API is openmp-enabled (with various other programs using omp shared-memory parallelism), you need to include the appropriate OpenMP flag in your link step (-qopenmp for Intel, -fopenmp for GNU, -mp for PGI, …)
Thanks for your response. Below is my Compiler Aliases and Flags:
#> Compiler Aliases and Flags
setenv myFC gfortran
#setenv myFC mpifort
setenv myCC gcc
setenv myFSTD “-O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising”
setenv myDBG “-Wall -O0 -g -fcheck=all -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fbacktrace”
#setenv myDBG “$myDBG -fimplicit-none”
setenv myFFLAGS “-ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32”
setenv myFRFLAGS “-ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -funroll-loops -finit-character=32”
setenv myCFLAGS “-O2”
setenv myLINK_FLAG “-fopenmp”
setenv extra_lib “”
#setenv mpi_lib “-lmpi_mpifh” #> -lmpich for mvapich or -lmpi for openmpi
setenv mpi_lib “” #> -lmpich for mvapich or -lmpi for openmpi
sp you need to add -fopenmp
to your link-flags
For my CCTM Script"
setenv FC ${myFC} #> path of Fortan compiler; set in config.cmaq
set FP = FC #> path of Fortan preprocessor; set in config.cmaq
set CC = {myCC} #> path of C compiler; set in config.cmaq
setenv BLDER {CMAQ_HOME}/UTIL/bldmake/bldmake_ {compilerString}.exe #> name of model builder executable
#> Libraries/include files
set LIOAPI = “{IOAPI_DIR}/lib {ioapi_lib}” #> I/O API library directory
set IOAPIMOD = “{IOAPI_DIR}/include" #> I/O API module directory
set NETCDF = " {NETCDF_DIR}/lib {netcdf_lib}" #> netCDF library directory
#set PNETCDF = " {PNETCDF_DIR}/lib {pnetcdf_lib}" #> Parallel netCDF library directory
#set PIO_INC = " {IOAPI_DIR}/src”
#> Compiler flags set in config.cmaq
set FSTD = “{myFSTD}"
set DBG = " {myDBG}”
setenv F_FLAGS “{myFFLAGS}" #> F77 flags
set F90_FLAGS = " {myFRFLAGS}” #> F90 flags
set CPP_FLAGS = “” #> Fortran preprocessor flags
set C_FLAGS = “{myCFLAGS} -DFLDMN -I" #> C flags
set LINK_FLAGS = " {myLINK_FLAG}” # Link flags
I have been able to successfully compile CCTM after so many manipulations of my scripts. Thanks so much for your guide. I’m available to help those facing the challenges I have faced in the course of compiling CMAQ and its related models.