I am trying to compile CCTM from CMAQ v5.3.2.1. For this version, I want to read emissions compressed in netCDF-4 (.nc4) format. I am using precompiled libraries already available on my HPC system. These are: gcc 10.2.0, openmpi 4.1.3, zlib 1.2.11, hdf5 1.10.7, netcdf-c 4.8.1 and netcdf-fortran 4.5.3. All of them where built with the same gcc compiler. With them, I have been able to compile I/O API 3.2 (special version 20200828) with sucess - or I least I believe so since after adding some flags, such as -DIOAPI_NCF4=1 and -fallow-argument-mismatch, I was able to compile without errors.
The problem now appears when compiling CCTM. Sadly, as a new user I am not allowed to upload the log file. I have properly defined the directories to my openMPI, however, the error shows that the mpi.h file does not exist:
distr_env.c:36:10: fatal error: mpi.h: No such file or directory
36 | #include "mpi.h"
| ^~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
On my CMAQ_HOME/lib/gcc/mpi the file mpi.h indeed does not exist. Checking the config_cmaq.csh I see that the code links the openmpi/lib to my CMAQ/lib/gcc/mpi. However, after inspecting I see that the mpi.h file exist on the openmpi directory, but under openmpi/include rather than openmpi/lib. Should I manually change this?
I dug into several threads on this forum and I could not find someone with a similar error. How can I solve this? Also, I am a bit confused since I have seen some threads recommending to use the “-fopenmp” flag but at the same time, the config_cmaq.csh file expresses that it should not be used (?):
setenv myLINK_FLAG # "-fopenmp" openMP not supported w/ CMAQ
Any feedback would be much appreciated.
build_cctm.log: (I removed all the intro to be able to post this topic).
Compiler is set to gcc
*****(many lines here were removed)*****
USE/MODULE dependencies defined
Makefile generated
gcc -c -O2 -fallow-argument-mismatch -DFLDMN -I/lustre/isaac/proj/UTK0221/NIH/CONUS/CMAQ/ -I. distr_env.c
cc1: warning: command-line option ‘-fallow-argument-mismatch’ is valid for Fortran but not for C
distr_env.c:36:10: fatal error: mpi.h: No such file or directory
36 | #include "mpi.h"
| ^~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make: *** [Makefile:462: distr_env.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
1882 | #endif ! end if stage option
Warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive
1883 | #endif ! end if m3dry option
Warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive
3784 | WRITE( LOGDEV, "(5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A)"),
| 1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)
3803 | WRITE( XMSG, '(A,A,A)' ),'ERROR: Could not read ',
| 1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)
3812 | WRITE( LOGDEV, "(5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A)" ),
| 1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)
3828 | WRITE( LOGDEV, "(5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A)" ),
| 1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)
3850 | WRITE( LOGDEV, "(5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A)" ),
| 1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)
3872 | WRITE( LOGDEV, "(5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A)" ),
| 1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)
3887 | WRITE( LOGDEV, "(5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A)" ),
| 1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)
3901 | WRITE( LOGDEV, "(5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A)" ),
| 1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)
3915 | WRITE( LOGDEV, "(5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A,/,5x,A)" ),
| 1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)
2361 | WRITE( LOGDEV, '(/,5x,A,/,5x,A,/5x,A)' ),
| 1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)
**ERROR** while running make command
mv Makefile Makefile.gcc
mv: 'Makefile' and 'Makefile.gcc' are the same file
if ( -e Makefile.gcc && -e Makefile ) rm Makefile
rm Makefile
ln -s Makefile.gcc Makefile
if ( 0 != 0 ) then
if ( -e /lustre/isaac/proj/UTK0221/NIH/CONUS/CMAQ/ ) then
echo >>> previous CCTM_v5321.cfg exists, re-naming to CCTM_v5321.cfg.old <<<
>>> previous CCTM_v5321.cfg exists, re-naming to CCTM_v5321.cfg.old <<<
mv /lustre/isaac/proj/UTK0221/NIH/CONUS/CMAQ/ /lustre/isaac/proj/UTK0221/NIH/CONUS/CMAQ/
mv CCTM_v5321.cfg.bld /lustre/isaac/proj/UTK0221/NIH/CONUS/CMAQ/
My config_cmaq.csh: (I kept only the settings relevant to gcc)
#!/bin/csh -f
# ================= CMAQv5.3.X Configuration Script ================= #
# Requirements: I/O API & netCDF libraries #
# PGI, Intel, or Gnu Fortran compiler #
# MPICH for multiprocessor computing #
# Optional: Git for GitHub source code repository #
# #
# Note that this script was configured/tested on Red Hat Linux O/S #
# #
# To report problems or request help with this script/program: #
# http://www.cmascenter.org/help-desk.cfm #
# =================================================================== #
#> Critical Folder Locations
# CMAQ_HOME - this is where the config_cmaq.csh script is located. It
# is also the root directory for all the executables. It may include
# the repository if the user is building CMAQ inside the repository. It
# may, on the other hand, be outside the repository if the user has
# created a separate project directory where they wish to put build-
# and run-scripts as well as executables.
setenv CMAQ_HOME $cwd
# CMAQ_REPO - this is always the location of the CMAQ repository that
# the user will pull from to create exectuables. If the user is building
# CMAQ inside the repository then it will be equal to CMAQ_HOME. If not,
# the user must supply an alternative folder locaiton.
setenv CMAQ_REPO /lustre/isaac/proj/UTK0221/andrew/CMAQ/
# CMAQ_DATA - this may be where the input data are located. It may be a
# symbolic link to another location on the system, but it should be
# provided here
setenv CMAQ_DATA $CMAQ_HOME/data
if ( ! -d $CMAQ_DATA ) mkdir -p $CMAQ_DATA
#> architecture & compiler specific settings
#> Set the compiler option
if ( $#argv == 1 ) then
#> Use the user's input to set the compiler parameter
setenv compiler $1
setenv compilerVrsn Empty
else if ( $#argv == 2 ) then
#> Compiler Name and Version have been provided
setenv compiler $1
setenv compilerVrsn $2
else if ( $#argv == 0 ) then
#> If config.cmaq is called from Bldit.cctm or run.cctm, then this
#> variable is already defined
if ( ! $?compiler ) then
echo "Error: 'compiler' should be set either in the"
echo " environment or as input to config.cmaq"
echo " Example:> ./config.cmaq [compiler]"
echo " Options: intel | gcc | pgi"
else if ( ! $?compilerVrsn ) then
setenv compilerVrsn Empty
#> More than two inputs were given. Exit this script just to
#> be on the safe side.
echo "Error: Too many inputs to config.cmaq. This script"
echo " is expecting one input (the name of the"
echo " desired compiler. In some installations, you "
echo " may also be able to specify the compiler version "
echo " as the second input, but this is not by default."
echo "Compiler is set to $compiler"
# GAF:
setenv NCDIR /spack/spack-0.17.2/apps/linux-rhel8-cascadelake/gcc-10.2.0/netcdf-c-4.8.1-7dwpqiw3lhygretuczntsfnug27ark67
setenv NFDIR /spack/spack-0.17.2/apps/linux-rhel8-cascadelake/gcc-10.2.0/netcdf-fortran-4.5.3-slv6qm3skovi7vcwvnveuvliajniqovh
setenv IOAPI_BLD /lustre/isaac/proj/UTK0221/andrew/LIBRARIES/ioapi-3.2/Linux2_x86_64gfort_openmpi_4.1.3_gcc_10.2.0
setenv IOAPI_SRC /lustre/isaac/proj/UTK0221/andrew/LIBRARIES/ioapi-3.2
setenv OPENMPIDIR /sw/isaac/applications/openmpi/4.1.3/rhel8.7-gcc10.2.0/openmpi-4.1.3
#> Compiler flags and settings
switch ( $compiler )
#> gfortran compiler............................................................
case gcc:
#> I/O API, netCDF, and MPI library locations
setenv IOAPI_INCL_DIR ${IOAPI_SRC}/ioapi/fixed_src #> I/O API include header files
setenv IOAPI_LIB_DIR ${IOAPI_BLD} #> I/O API libraries
setenv NETCDF_LIB_DIR ${NCDIR}/lib #> netCDF C directory path
setenv NETCDF_INCL_DIR ${NCDIR}/include #> netCDF C directory path
setenv NETCDFF_LIB_DIR ${NFDIR}/lib #> netCDF Fortran directory path
setenv NETCDFF_INCL_DIR ${NFDIR}/include #> netCDF Fortran directory path
setenv MPI_LIB_DIR ${OPENMPIDIR}/lib #> MPI directory path
setenv MPI_INCL_DIR ${OPENMPIDIR}/include
#> Compiler Aliases and Flags
#> set the compiler flag -fopt-info-missed to generate a missed optimization report in the bldit logfile
setenv myFC mpifort
setenv myCC gcc
setenv myFSTD "-O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -march=native -ftree-vectorize -ftree-loop-if-convert -finline-limit=512"
setenv myDBG "-Wall -O0 -g -fcheck=all -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fbacktrace"
setenv myFFLAGS "-ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -fallow-argument-mismatch"
setenv myFRFLAGS "-ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -funroll-loops -finit-character=32"
setenv myCFLAGS "-O2 -fallow-argument-mismatch"
setenv myLINK_FLAG # "-fopenmp" openMP not supported w/ CMAQ
setenv extra_lib ""
#setenv mpi_lib "-lmpi_mpifh" #> -lmpich for mvapich or -lmpi for openmpi
setenv mpi_lib "" #> -lmpich for mvapich or -lmpi for openmpi
echo "*** Compiler $compiler not found"
#> Apply Specific Module and Library Location Settings for those working inside EPA
# source /work/MOD3DEV/cmaq_common/cmaq_env.csh #>>> UNCOMMENT if at EPA
#> Add The Complier Version Number to the Compiler String if it's not empty
setenv compilerString ${compiler}
if ( $compilerVrsn != "Empty" ) then
setenv compilerString ${compiler}${compilerVrsn}
#> I/O API, netCDF, and MPI libraries
setenv netcdf_lib "-lnetcdf" #> -lnetcdff -lnetcdf for netCDF v4.2.0 and later
setenv netcdff_lib "-lnetcdff"
setenv ioapi_lib "-lioapi"
setenv pnetcdf_lib "-lpnetcdf"
#> Query System Info and Current Working Directory
setenv system "`uname -m`"
setenv bld_os "`uname -s``uname -r | cut -d. -f1`"
setenv lib_basedir $CMAQ_HOME/lib
#> Generate Library Locations
setenv CMAQ_LIB ${lib_basedir}/${system}/${compilerString}
setenv MPI_DIR $CMAQ_LIB/mpi
setenv NETCDF_DIR $CMAQ_LIB/netcdf
setenv NETCDFF_DIR $CMAQ_LIB/netcdff
setenv PNETCDF_DIR $CMAQ_LIB/pnetcdf
setenv IOAPI_DIR $CMAQ_LIB/ioapi
#> Create Symbolic Links to Libraries
if ( ! -d $CMAQ_LIB ) mkdir -p $CMAQ_LIB
if ( -e $MPI_DIR ) rm -rf $MPI_DIR
if ( ! -d $NETCDF_DIR ) mkdir $NETCDF_DIR
if ( ! -e $NETCDF_DIR/lib ) ln -sfn $NETCDF_LIB_DIR $NETCDF_DIR/lib
if ( ! -e $NETCDF_DIR/include ) ln -sfn $NETCDF_INCL_DIR $NETCDF_DIR/include
if ( ! -d $NETCDFF_DIR ) mkdir $NETCDFF_DIR
if ( ! -e $NETCDFF_DIR/lib ) ln -sfn $NETCDFF_LIB_DIR $NETCDFF_DIR/lib
if ( ! -e $NETCDFF_DIR/include ) ln -sfn $NETCDFF_INCL_DIR $NETCDFF_DIR/include
if ( ! -d $IOAPI_DIR ) then
mkdir $IOAPI_DIR
ln -sfn $IOAPI_INCL_DIR $IOAPI_DIR/include_files
#> Check for netcdf and I/O API libs/includes, error if they don't exist
if ( ! -e $NETCDF_DIR/lib/libnetcdf.a ) then
echo "ERROR: $NETCDF_DIR/lib/libnetcdf.a does not exist in your CMAQ_LIB directory!!! Check your installation before proceeding with CMAQ build."
if ( ! -e $NETCDFF_DIR/lib/libnetcdff.a ) then
echo "ERROR: $NETCDFF_DIR/lib/libnetcdff.a does not exist in your CMAQ_LIB directory!!! Check your installation before proceeding with CMAQ build."
if ( ! -e $IOAPI_DIR/lib/libioapi.a ) then
echo "ERROR: $IOAPI_DIR/lib/libioapi.a does not exist in your CMAQ_LIB directory!!! Check your installation before proceeding with CMAQ build."
if ( ! -e $IOAPI_DIR/lib/m3utilio.mod ) then
echo "ERROR: $IOAPI_MOD_DIR/m3utilio.mod does not exist in your CMAQ_LIB directory!!! Check your installation before proceeding with CMAQ build."
#> Set executable id
setenv EXEC_ID ${bld_os}_${system}${compilerString}