Trying to compile CCTM, but I get an error message relating to the Makefile

I’ve been trying to compile CCTM but keep getting different errors. I’ve solved a good amount of them, but I’m stuck again.

First I’ll list off the software I’m using: I’m on Ubuntu (v22.04.3), using GCC compilers (v11.4.0). I installed NetCDF-C (v4.9.2) and NetCDF-Fortran (v4.6.1). I’m also using OpenMPI (v4.1.6) and I/O API (v3.2).

First, I configure using source config_cmaq.csh gcc 11.4.0; the file looks like this:

#!/bin/csh -f

# ================= CMAQv5.4.X Configuration Script ================= #
# Requirements: I/O API & netCDF libraries                            #
#               PGI, Intel, or Gnu Fortran compiler                   #
#               MPICH for multiprocessor computing                    #
# Optional:     Git for GitHub source code repository                 #
#                                                                     #
# Note that this script was configured/tested on Red Hat Linux O/S    #
#                                                                     #
# To report problems or request help with this script/program:        #
#                    #
# =================================================================== #

#> Critical Folder Locations
 # CMAQ_HOME - this is where the config_cmaq.csh script is located. It
 # is also the root directory for all the executables. It may include 
 # the repository if the user is building CMAQ inside the repository. It
 # may, on the other hand, be outside the repository if the user has 
 # created a separate project directory where they wish to put build-
 # and run-scripts as well as executables.
 setenv CMAQ_HOME $cwd

 # CMAQ_REPO - this is always the location of the CMAQ repository that
 # the user will pull from to create exectuables. If the user is building
 # CMAQ inside the repository then it will be equal to CMAQ_HOME. If not,
 # the user must supply an alternative folder locaiton.
 setenv CMAQ_REPO /home/hector/Software/CMAQ_REPO

 # CMAQ_DATA - this may be where the input data are located. It may be a 
 # symbolic link to another location on the system, but it should be
 # provided here 
 setenv CMAQ_DATA $CMAQ_HOME/data
 if ( ! -d $CMAQ_DATA ) mkdir -p $CMAQ_DATA


#> architecture & compiler specific settings

#> Set the compiler option
 if ( $#argv == 1 ) then
    #> Use the user's input to set the compiler parameter
    setenv compiler $1
    setenv compilerVrsn Empty
 else if ( $#argv == 2 ) then
    #> Compiler Name and Version have been provided
    setenv compiler $1
    setenv compilerVrsn $2
 else if ( $#argv == 0 ) then
    #> If config.cmaq is called from Bldit.cctm or run.cctm, then this 
    #> variable is already defined
    if ( ! $?compiler ) then
      echo "Error: 'compiler' should be set either in the"
      echo "       environment or as input to config.cmaq"
      echo "       Example:> ./config.cmaq [compiler]"
      echo "       Options: intel | gcc | pgi"
    else if ( ! $?compilerVrsn ) then
      setenv compilerVrsn Empty
    #> More than two inputs were given. Exit this script just to
    #> be on the safe side.
    echo "Error: Too many inputs to config.cmaq. This script"
    echo "       is expecting one input (the name of the"
    echo "       desired compiler. In some installations, you "
    echo "       may also be able to specify the compiler version "
    echo "       as the second input, but this is not by default."
 echo "Compiler is set to $compiler"

#> Compiler flags and settings
 switch ( $compiler )

#>  Intel fortran compiler......................................................

[Removed other compilers for space]
#>  gfortran compiler............................................................
    case gcc:
        #> I/O API, netCDF Library Locations -- used in WRF-CMAQ
        setenv NETCDF /usr/local/lib/  # netcdf_root_gcc # Note please combine netCDF-C & Fortran Libraries 
        setenv IOAPI /home/hector/Software/ioapi-3.2-mpi/Linux2_x86_64gfortmpi/libioapi.a # ioapi_root_gcc  
        setenv WRF_ARCH # [1-75]   
        #> I/O API, netCDF, and MPI Library Locations -- used in CMAQ
         setenv IOAPI_INCL_DIR   /home/hector/Software/ioapi-3.2-nocpl/ioapi/fixed_src/             #> I/O API include header files
         setenv IOAPI_LIB_DIR    /home/hector/Software/ioapi-3.2-mpi/Linux2_x86_64gfortmpi/
             #> I/O API libraries
         setenv NETCDF_LIB_DIR   /usr/local/lib            #> netCDF C directory path
         setenv NETCDF_INCL_DIR  /usr/local/include/            #> netCDF C directory path
         setenv NETCDFF_LIB_DIR  /usr/local/lib           #> netCDF Fortran directory path
         setenv NETCDFF_INCL_DIR /usr/local/include/           #> netCDF Fortran directory path
         setenv MPI_INCL_DIR     /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include              #> MPI Include directory path
         setenv MPI_LIB_DIR      /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib               #> MPI Lib directory path
	#setenv MPI_INCL_DIR     /usr/local/bin              #> MPI Include dir>
        #setenv MPI_LIB_DIR      /usr/local/lib/openmpi

        #> Compiler Aliases and Flags
        #> set the compiler flag -fopt-info-missed to generate a missed optimization report in the bldit logfile
        setenv myFC mpifort
        setenv myCC gcc
        setenv myFSTD "-O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -ftree-vectorize -ftree-loop-if-convert -finline-limit=512"
        setenv myDBG  "-Wall -O0 -g -fcheck=all -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fbacktrace"
        setenv myFFLAGS "-fallow-argument-mismatch -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32"
        setenv myFRFLAGS "-ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -funroll-loops -finit-character=32"
        setenv myCFLAGS "-O2"
        setenv myLINK_FLAG # "-fopenmp" openMP not supported w/ CMAQ
        setenv extra_lib ""

        echo "*** Compiler $compiler not found"

#> Apply Specific Module and Library Location Settings for those working inside EPA
 # source /work/MOD3DEV/cmaq_common/cmaq_env.csh  #>>> UNCOMMENT if at EPA

#> Add The Complier Version Number to the Compiler String if it's not empty
 setenv compilerString ${compiler}
 if ( $compilerVrsn != "Empty" ) then
    setenv compilerString ${compiler}${compilerVrsn}

#> I/O API, netCDF, and MPI libraries
 setenv netcdf_lib "-lnetcdff -lnetcdf"  #> -lnetcdff -lnetcdf for netCDF v4.2.0 and later
 setenv netcdff_lib "-lnetcdff"
 setenv ioapi_lib "-lioapi"
 setenv pnetcdf_lib "-lpnetcdf"
 setenv mpi_lib "-lmpi" #> -lmpich or -lmvapich 

#> Query System Info and Current Working Directory
 setenv system "`uname -m`"
 setenv bld_os "`uname -s``uname -r | cut -d. -f1`"
 setenv lib_basedir $CMAQ_HOME/lib

#> Generate Library Locations
 setenv CMAQ_LIB    ${lib_basedir}/${system}/${compilerString}
 setenv MPI_DIR     $CMAQ_LIB/mpi
 setenv NETCDF_DIR  $CMAQ_LIB/netcdf
 setenv NETCDFF_DIR $CMAQ_LIB/netcdff
 setenv PNETCDF_DIR $CMAQ_LIB/pnetcdf
 setenv IOAPI_DIR   $CMAQ_LIB/ioapi

#> Create Symbolic Links to Libraries
 if ( ! -d $CMAQ_LIB ) mkdir -p $CMAQ_LIB
 if (   -e $MPI_DIR  ) rm -rf $MPI_DIR
     mkdir $MPI_DIR
     ln -s $MPI_LIB_DIR $MPI_DIR/lib
     ln -s $MPI_INCL_DIR $MPI_DIR/include
 if ( ! -d $NETCDF_DIR )  mkdir $NETCDF_DIR
 if ( ! -e $NETCDF_DIR/lib ) ln -sfn $NETCDF_LIB_DIR $NETCDF_DIR/lib
 if ( ! -e $NETCDF_DIR/include ) ln -sfn $NETCDF_INCL_DIR $NETCDF_DIR/include
 if ( ! -d $NETCDFF_DIR )  mkdir $NETCDFF_DIR
 if ( ! -e $NETCDFF_DIR/lib ) ln -sfn $NETCDFF_LIB_DIR $NETCDFF_DIR/lib
 if ( ! -e $NETCDFF_DIR/include ) ln -sfn $NETCDFF_INCL_DIR $NETCDFF_DIR/include
 if ( ! -d $IOAPI_DIR ) then
    mkdir $IOAPI_DIR
    ln -sfn $IOAPI_INCL_DIR $IOAPI_DIR/include_files
    ln -sfn $IOAPI_LIB_DIR  $IOAPI_DIR/lib

#> Check for netcdf and I/O API libs/includes, error if they don't exist
# if ( ! -e $NETCDF_DIR/lib/libnetcdf.a ) then 
 #   echo "ERROR: $NETCDF_DIR/lib/libnetcdf.a does not exist in your CMAQ_LIB directory!!! Check your installation before proceeding with CMAQ build."
  #  exit
if ( ! -e $NETCDFF_DIR/lib/libnetcdff.a ) then
    echo "ERROR: $NETCDFF_DIR/lib/libnetcdff.a does not exist in your CMAQ_LIB directory!!! Check your installation before proceeding with CMAQ build."
 if ( ! -e $IOAPI_DIR/lib/libioapi.a ) then 
    echo "ERROR: $IOAPI_DIR/lib/libioapi.a does not exist in your CMAQ_LIB directory!!! Check your installation before proceeding with CMAQ build."
 if ( ! -e $IOAPI_DIR/lib/m3utilio.mod ) then 
    echo "ERROR: $IOAPI_MOD_DIR/m3utilio.mod does not exist in your CMAQ_LIB directory!!! Check your installation before proceeding with CMAQ build."

#> Set executable id
 setenv EXEC_ID ${bld_os}_${system}${compilerString}

(Note: the reason I used different libraries for i/o api and its include files is that I wasn’t able to build m3tools for the version with mpi, but I’m told that the m3tools that I built for the no-coupling mode of i/o api works fine, since it’s the same file type)

I then went onto /CMAQ_HOME/lib/x86_64/gcc11.4.0/ and created a new folder called pnetcdf, and pasted links to the lib and include files, since bldit_cctm.csh calls for it.

cd /CCTM/scripts and

source bldit_cctm.csh gcc 11.4.0 |& tee build_cctm.log

This prints out a ton of stuff, but ends up on an error:

Compiler is set to gcc
setenv CCTM_SRC /home/hector/Software/CMAQ_REPO/CCTM/src
set GlobInc = /home/hector/Software/CMAQ_REPO/CCTM/src/ICL
set Mechs = /home/hector/Software/CMAQ_REPO/CCTM/src/MECHS
setenv REPOROOT /home/hector/Software/CMAQ_REPO/CCTM/src
set CompileBLDMAKE
set CopySrc
set ParOpt
set build_parallel_io
set make_options = -j
if ( 0 ) then
if ( 0 ) then
set VRSN = v54
  396 |                       WRITE( XMSG,'(A,A,A,/,A,I2,A)' ), '*** Reference Aerosol Mode (',
      |                                                      1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)

  413 |                       WRITE( XMSG,'(A,A,A,/,A,I2,A)' ), '*** Reference Aerosol Mode (',
      |                                                      1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)

  218 |       WRITE( XMSG, '(2x,6A)' ), 'Which is Equivalent to (UTC): ',
      |                              1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)

  224 |       WRITE( XMSG, '(2x,A,I6.6)' ), 'Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): ',TSTEP(2)
      |                                  1
Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1)

  586 |          IF ( .NOT. FLUSH3 ( SOILOUT ) ) THEN
      |                   1
Error: Function ‘flush3’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type; did you mean ‘close3’?
make: *** [Makefile:453: BDSNP_MOD.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
**ERROR** while running make command

if ( ! 0 ) then
mv Makefile Makefile.gcc11.4.0
mv: 'Makefile' and 'Makefile.gcc11.4.0' are the same file
if ( -e Makefile.gcc11.4.0 && -e Makefile ) rm Makefile
rm Makefile
ln -s Makefile.gcc11.4.0 Makefile
if ( 0 != 0 ) then
if ( -e /home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v54_gcc11.4.0/CCTM_v54.cfg ) then
echo    >>> previous CCTM_v54.cfg exists, re-naming to CCTM_v54.cfg.old <<<
   >>> previous CCTM_v54.cfg exists, re-naming to CCTM_v54.cfg.old <<<
mv /home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v54_gcc11.4.0/CCTM_v54.cfg /home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v54_gcc11.4.0/CCTM_v54.cfg.old
mv CCTM_v54.cfg.bld /home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v54_gcc11.4.0/CCTM_v54.cfg
if ( 0 ) then

If I had to guess, I’d say the error is caused by the way I linked the libraries and include files. I spent like 5 hours figuring out where everything was and I really made an effort to link everything correctly, but considering I’m new to linux and compiling stuff, there is a good chance I didn’t do it right. I’m not really sure how to ensure that the files I linked to are in fact the correct libraries/include files, since I didn’t even know what include files were up to like a week ago. Any pointers would be really greatly appreciated, and please consider that my knowledge about compiling is very limited. Thanks in advance!

bldit_cctm.csh was too big and didn’t fit in the original post, but if it helps, here it is:

#!/bin/csh -f

# ======================= CCTMv5.4.X Build Script ========================= 
# Usage: bldit.cctm >&! bldit.cctm.log                                   
# Requirements: I/O API & netCDF libraries, a Fortran compiler,               
#               and MPI for multiprocessor computing                     
# To report problems or request help with this script/program:           
# ======================================================================= 

#> Set Compiler Identity by User Input: Options -> intel | pgi | gcc
 if ( $#argv == 1 ) then
    setenv compiler $argv[1]
    setenv compilerVrsn Empty
 else if ( $#argv == 2 ) then
    #> Compiler Name and Version have been provided
    setenv compiler $1
    setenv compilerVrsn $2
    echo "usage: $0 <compiler>"
    echo " where <compiler> is intel, pgi or gcc"
#> Source the config.cmaq file to set the build environment
 cd ../..
 source ./config_cmaq.csh

 set echo

# =======================================================================
#> Begin User Input Section
# =======================================================================

#> Source Code Locations
 setenv CCTM_SRC ${CMAQ_REPO}/CCTM/src #> location of the CCTM source code
 set GlobInc = $CCTM_SRC/ICL           #> location of the global include files
 set Mechs   = $CCTM_SRC/MECHS         #> location of the chemistry mechanism include files

#> Controls for managing the source code and MPI compilation
set CompileBLDMAKE                     #> Recompile the BLDMAKE utility from source
                                       #>   comment out to use an existing BLDMAKE executable
set CopySrc                            #> copy the source files into the build directory
#set CopySrcTree                       #> copy the source files and directory tree into the build directory
#set MakeFileOnly                      #> uncomment to build a Makefile, but do not compile; 
                                       #>   comment out to compile the model (default if not set)
#set build_mech                        #> uncomment to build mechanism source code files using the 
                                       #>   chemmech utility.

#> Below are chemmech options for revising the mechanism definitions file. The option needs information on the
#> composition of each chemistry. See UTIL/chemmech/ for more information.
#> Uncomment to use.
#>    Rewrite reactions by appending them with changes in tracked atoms or elements from reactants to products
#>    The species namelist contains the composition information as comments at the end of lines defining species.
#>    Note that if a defining line does not have an ending comment, the species is taken to have none of the tacked atoms.
#>    If NAMELISTS_LIST_ATOMS equals F, an additional ASCII file contains the information.

#set clobber_mech                      #> when commented, the bldit_mech.csh script will halt if 
                                       #>   newly created mechanism files are attempting replace
                                       #>   existing ones. When uncommented, the existing files
                                       #>   will be overwritten.
set ParOpt                             #> uncomment to build a multiple processor (MPI) executable; 
                                       #>   comment out for a single processor (serial) executable
#set DistrEnv                          #> uncomment to distribute environmental variables to multiple machines
                                       #>   comment out for a single processor (serial) executable (MPI only)
set build_parallel_io                 #> uncomment to build with parallel I/O (pnetcdf); 
                                       #>   comment out to use standard netCDF I/O
#set Debug_CCTM                        #> uncomment to compile CCTM with debug option equal to TRUE
                                       #>   comment out to use standard, optimized compile process
set make_options = "-j"                #> additional options for make command if MakeFileOnly is not set
                                       #>   comment out if no additional options are wanted.

[removed ISAM for space]

#> Potential vorticity free-troposphere O3 scaling
#set potvortO3

#> Working directory and Version IDs
 if ( $?ISAM_CCTM ) then
     set VRSN  = v54_ISAM             #> model configuration ID for CMAQ_ISAM
 else if ( $?DDM3D_CCTM ) then
     set VRSN = v54_DDM3D             #> model configuration ID for CMAQ_DDM
     set VRSN = v54                   #> model configuration ID for CMAQ
 set EXEC  = CCTM_${VRSN}.exe          #> executable name
 set CFG   = CCTM_${VRSN}.cfg          #> configuration file name

 if ( $?build_twoway ) then            # WRF Version used for WRF-CMAQ Model (must be v4.4+)
    set WRF_VRSN = v4.4

#> CCTM Science Modules
#> NOTE: For the modules with multiple options, a note is 
#>   provided on where to look in the CCTM source code 
#>   archive for a list of the possible settings. Users 
#>   may also refer to the CMAQ documentation.

 set ModGrid   = grid/cartesian             #> grid configuration module 
 set DepMod    = m3dry                      #> m3dry or stage
#set DepMod    = stage
 set ModAdv    = wrf_cons                   #> 3-D Advection Scheme [Options: wrf_cons (default), local_cons]
 set ModHdiff  = hdiff/multiscale           #> horizontal diffusion module
 set ModVdiff  = vdiff/acm2_${DepMod}       #> vertical diffusion module (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/vdiff)
 set ModDepv   = depv/${DepMod}             #> deposition velocity calculation module 
                                            #>     (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/depv)
 set ModEmis   = emis/emis                  #> in-line emissions module
 set ModBiog   = biog/beis4                 #> BEIS4 in-line emissions module 

 set ModMegBiog   = biog/megan3                #> MEGAN3 in-line emissions module

 set ModPlmrs  = plrise/smoke               #> in-line emissions plume rise
 set ModCgrds  = spcs/cgrid_spcs_nml        #> chemistry species configuration module 
                                            #>     (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/spcs)
 set ModPhot   = phot/inline                #> photolysis calculation module 
                                            #>     (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/phot)

 setenv Mechanism cb6r5_ae7_aq              #> chemical mechanism (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/MECHS) 
 set ModMech   = MECHS/${Mechanism}

 if ( ${Mechanism} =~ *ae7* ) then          #> ae7 family of aero and cloud chem
     set ModAero   = aero/aero7             # > aerosol chemistry module (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/aero)
     set ModCloud  = cloud/acm_ae7          # > cloud chemistry module (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/cloud)
 else if ( ${Mechanism} =~ *ae6* ) then     #> ae6 family of aero and cloud chem
     set ModAero   = aero/aero6             # > aerosol chemistry module (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/aero)
     set ModCloud  = cloud/acm_ae6          # > cloud chemistry module (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/cloud)
 else if ( ${Mechanism} =~ *cracmm* ) then  #> CRACMM family of aero and cloud chem
     set ModAero    = aero/cracmm           # > aerosol chemistry module (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/aero)
     set ModCloud   = cloud/acm_cracmm      # > cloud chemistry module (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/cloud)

 # Special cloud modules for kmt versions
 if( ${Mechanism} == cb6r5_ae7_aqkmt2 ) then
     set ModCloud = cloud/acm_ae7_kmt2
 else if( ${Mechanism} == saprc07tic_ae7i_aqkmt2 ) then
     set ModCloud = cloud/acm_ae7_kmt2

 # Gas chem solver
 if ( ${Mechanism} == cb6r5m_ae7_aq ) then  #> Gas-phase chemistry solver options ($CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/gas)
     setenv ChemSolver ros3                  #> ros3 (or smvgear) are system independent
     setenv ChemSolver ebi                   #> [ default for most mechanisms: ebi ]
 if ( $ChemSolver == ebi ) then             
    set ModGas    = gas/${ChemSolver}_${Mechanism}
    set ModGas    = gas/${ChemSolver}
 set ModUtil   = util/util                  #> CCTM utility modules
 set ModDiag   = diag                       #> CCTM diagnostic modules
 set Tracer    = trac0                      #> tracer configuration directory under 
                                            #>   $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/MECHS [ default: no tracer species ]
 set ModPa     = procan/pa                  #> CCTM process analysis
 set ModPvO3   = pv_o3                      #> potential vorticity from the free troposphere
 set ModISAM   = isam                       #> CCTM Integrated Source Apportionment Method
 set ModDDM3D  = ddm3d                      #> Decoupled Direct Method in 3D
 set ModDegrade = reactive_tracers          #> Linear Chemical Loss for a fixed set of species treated as reactive tracers

#> Computing System Configuration:
#>    Most of these settings are done in config.cmaq

 setenv FC ${myFC}                     #> path of Fortan compiler; set in config.cmaq
 set    FP = $FC                       #> path of Fortan preprocessor; set in config.cmaq
 set    CC = ${myCC}                   #> path of C compiler; set in config.cmaq
 setenv BLDER ${CMAQ_HOME}/UTIL/bldmake/bldmake_${compilerString}.exe   #> name of model builder executable

#> Libraries/include files
#set LIOAPI   = "${IOAPI_DIR}/lib ${ioapi_lib}"      #> I/O API library directory
#set IOAPIMOD = "${IOAPI_DIR}/include"               #> I/O API module directory
 set NETCDF   = "${NETCDF_DIR}/lib ${netcdf_lib}"    #> netCDF C library directory
 set NETCDFF  = "${NETCDFF_DIR}/lib ${netcdff_lib}"  #> netCDF Fortran library directory
 set PNETCDF  = "${PNETCDF_DIR}/lib ${pnetcdf_lib}"  #> Parallel netCDF library directory
#set PIO_INC  = "${IOAPI_DIR}/src"

#> Compiler flags set in config.cmaq
 set FSTD       = "${myFSTD}"
 set DBG        = "${myDBG}"
 setenv F_FLAGS   "${myFFLAGS}"            #> F77 flags
 set F90_FLAGS  = "${myFRFLAGS}"           #> F90 flags
 set CPP_FLAGS  = ""                       #> Fortran preprocessor flags
 set C_FLAGS    = "${myCFLAGS} -DFLDMN -I" #> C flags
 set LINK_FLAGS = "${myLINK_FLAG}"         # Link flags

#> Implement User Input

#> Check for CMAQ_REPO and CMAQ_LIB settings:
 if ( ! -e $CMAQ_REPO || ! -e $CMAQ_LIB ) then
    echo "   $CMAQ_REPO or $CMAQ_LIB directory not found"
    exit 1
 echo "    Model repository base path: $CMAQ_REPO"
 echo "                  library path: $CMAQ_LIB"

#> If $CMAQ_MODEL is not set, default to $CMAQ_REPO
 if ( $?CMAQ_MODEL ) then
    echo "         Model repository path: $CMAQ_MODEL"
    echo " default Model repository path: $CMAQ_MODEL"

#> This script was written for Linux hosts only. If
#> the host system is not Linux, produce an error and stop
 set BLD_OS = `uname -s`       
 if ($BLD_OS != 'Linux') then
    echo "   $BLD_OS -> wrong bldit script for host!"
    exit 1

#> If the two-way, coupled WRF-CMAQ model is being built,
#> then just generate the Makefile. Don't compile.
 if ( $?build_twoway ) then
    set MakeFileOnly   
    set ModTwoway = twoway

#> If parallel-io is selected, then make sure the multiprocessor
#> option is also set.
 if ( $?build_parallel_io ) then
    if ( ! $?ParOpt ) then
       echo "*** ParOpt is not set: required for the build_parallel_io option"
       exit 1
    set PIO = ( -Dparallel_io )
    set PIO = ""

 if ($DepMod == m3dry) then
    set cpp_depmod = '-Dm3dry_opt'
 else if ($DepMod == stage) then
    set cpp_depmod = '-Dstage_opt'

#> Set variables needed for multiprocessor and serial builds
 if ( $?ParOpt ) then    
    #Multiprocessor system configuration
    echo "   Parallel; set MPI flags"
    set ModStenex = STENEX/se
    set ModPario = PARIO
    set ModPar = par/mpi
    # MPI_INC is set in config.cmaq
    # set PIO_INC = "${IOAPI_DIR}/src/fixed_src"
    set PAR = ( -Dparallel )
    set Popt = SE
    set seL = se_snl
    set LIB2 = "${ioapi_lib}"
    set LIB3 = "${mpi_lib} ${extra_lib}"
    set Str1 = (// Parallel / Include message passing definitions)
    set Str2 = (include SUBST_MPI mpif.h;)
    # Distribute Environment to different machines if not done automatically 
    if ( $?DistrEnv ) then
      set PAR = ($PAR -Dcluster) 
    #Serial system configuration
    echo "   Not Parallel; set Serial (no-op) flags"
    set ModStenex = STENEX/noop
    set ModPar = par/par_noop
    set PARIO = "."
    set STENEX = ${CMAQ_MODEL}/STENEX/noop
    set MPI_INC = "."
    # set PIO_INC = "."
    set PAR = ""
    set Popt = NOOP
    set seL = sef90_noop
    set LIB2 = "${ioapi_lib} ${extra_lib}"
    set Str1 =
    set Str2 =

#> if DDM-3D is set, add the pre-processor flag for it.
 if ( $?DDM3D_CCTM ) then
    set SENS = ( -Dsens )
    set SENS = ""
#> Build Mechanism Files and instruct build-make to look
#> in the CHEMMECH output folder for the files
 if ( $?build_mech ) then

    # Because the bldit_cctm script is executing the bldit_mech
    # processor, we will assume that the source location for the new 
    # mechanism files is in the CMAQ repo. There will also be an 
    # error check for overwriting an existing mechanism that can be
    # disabled using the mech_clobber variable above.
    setenv MECH_SRC ${CMAQ_REPO}/CCTM/src/${ModMech}
    setenv TRAC_NML ${CMAQ_REPO}/CCTM/src/MECHS/trac0/Species_Table_TR_0.nml
    setenv MECH_OUT ${CMAQ_REPO}/CCTM/src/${ModMech}
    setenv EBI_SOLVER_OUT ${CMAQ_REPO}/CCTM/src/${ModGas}
    if ( $?clobber_mech ) then
      setenv CLOBBER_MECH TRUE

    cd ${CMAQ_HOME}/CCTM/scripts
    ./bldit_mech.csh ${compiler} ${compilerVrsn}
    if ( $? != 0 ) then
      echo ""
      echo "bldit_mech did not finish correctly --> Build Process Halted"
      exit 1

#> Tracer configuration files
 set ModTrac = MECHS/$Tracer

#> free trop. O3 potential vorticity scaling
 if ( $?potvortO3 ) then 
    set POT = ( -Dpotvorto3 )
    set POT = ""

#> Set and create the "BLD" directory for checking out and compiling 
#> source code. Move current directory to that build directory.
 if ( $?Debug_CCTM ) then
    set Bld = $CMAQ_HOME/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_${VRSN}_${compilerString}_debug
    set Bld = $CMAQ_HOME/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_${VRSN}_${compilerString}

 if ( ! -e "$Bld" ) then
    mkdir $Bld
    if ( ! -d "$Bld" ) then
       echo "   *** target exists, but not a directory ***"
       exit 1
 cd $Bld

#> Set locations for the include files of various modules
 set ICL_PAR   = $GlobInc/fixed/mpi         
 set ICL_CONST = $GlobInc/fixed/const       
 set ICL_FILES = $GlobInc/fixed/filenames
 set ICL_EMCTL = $GlobInc/fixed/emctrl
#set ICL_PA    = $GlobInc/procan/$PAOpt

 #Test with xlib commented out
 if ( $?ParOpt ) then
    set ICL_MPI   = .  #$xLib_Base/$xLib_3

#> If the source code is being copied to the build directory,
#> then move the include files as well and direct the Makefile
#> to the current directory.
 if ( $?CopySrc ) then
    /bin/cp -fp ${ICL_PAR}/*   ${Bld}
    /bin/cp -fp ${ICL_CONST}/* ${Bld}
    /bin/cp -fp ${ICL_FILES}/* ${Bld}
    /bin/cp -fp ${ICL_EMCTL}/* ${Bld}
    #/bin/cp -fp ${ICL_PA}/*    ${Bld}
    if ( $?ParOpt ) then
       /bin/cp -fp ${ICL_MPI}/mpif.h ${Bld}

    set ICL_PAR   = .
    set ICL_CONST = .
    set ICL_FILES = .
    set ICL_EMCTL = .
    #set ICL_PA    = .
    if ( $?ParOpt ) then
       set ICL_MPI   = .

 set STX2 = ( -DSUBST_HI_LO_BND_PE=${Popt}_HI_LO_BND_PE\
              -DSUBST_IN_SYN=${Popt}_IN_SYN )

#> 3-D Advection Options
 if ( $ModAdv == wrf_cons ) then
    set ModCpl    = couple/gencoor_wrf_cons    #> unit conversion and concentration coupling module 
                                               #>     (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/couple)
    set ModHadv   = hadv/ppm                   #> horizontal advection module   
    set ModVadv   = vadv/wrf_cons              #> Vertical advection module                             
 else if ($ModAdv == local_cons) then
    set ModCpl    = couple/gencoor_local_cons  #> unit conversion and concentration coupling module 
                                               #>     (see $CMAQ_MODEL/CCTM/src/couple)
    set ModHadv = hadv/ppm                     #> horizontal advection module
    set ModVadv = vadv/local_cons              #> Vertical advection module

 # Retrieve git repository sha ID for this source code version
 set shaID   = `git --git-dir=${CMAQ_REPO}/.git rev-parse --short=10 HEAD`
 if ( $? != 0 ) then
    set shaID   = "not_a_repo"

#> Create Config File 

set Cfile = ${Bld}/${CFG}.bld      # Config Filename
 set quote = '"'

 echo                                                               > $Cfile
 if ( $?make_options ) then
    echo "make_options $quote$make_options$quote;"                 >> $Cfile
[Removed echos]

 if ( $?ParOpt ) then
    echo "$Str1"                                                   >> $Cfile
    echo "include SUBST_MPI        ./mpif.h;"                      >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "stenex or se_noop"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModStenex};"                                       >> $Cfile
 if ( $?ParOpt ) then
    set text = "// parallel executable; stenex and pario included"
    echo $text                                                     >> $Cfile
    echo "Module ${ModPario};"                                     >> $Cfile
    set text = "serial executable; noop stenex"
    echo $text                                                     >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "par, par_nodistr and par_noop"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 if ( $?ParOpt ) then
    echo "Module ${ModPar};"                                       >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 if ( $?build_twoway ) then
    echo "// option set for WRF-CMAQ twoway"                       >> $Cfile
    echo "Module ${ModTwoway};"                                    >> $Cfile
    echo                                                           >> $Cfile

 set text = "driver"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module driver;"                                             >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "cartesian"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModGrid};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "Init"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module init;"                                               >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "gencoor_wrf_cons and gencoor_local_cons"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModCpl};"                                          >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "ppm"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModHadv};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "wrf_cons and local_cons"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModVadv};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "multiscale"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModHdiff};"                                        >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "acm2_m3dry or acm2_stage"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModVdiff};"                                        >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "m3dry or stage"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModDepv};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "emis"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModEmis};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "beis4"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModBiog};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "megan3"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModMegBiog};"                                      >> $Cfile

 set text = "smoke"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModPlmrs};"                                        >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "cgrid_spcs_nml and cgrid_spcs_icl"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModCgrds};"                                        >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "inline and table"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModPhot};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "degrade"
 echo "// reactive_tracer options are" $text                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModDegrade};"                                      >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "gas chemistry solvers"
 echo "// " $text                                                  >> $Cfile
 set text = "smvgear, ros3, and ebi; see 'gas chemistry mechanisms' for <mech>"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModGas};"                                          >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set MechList = "cb6r5hap_ae7_aq, cb6r3_ae7_aq, cb6r5_ae7_aq, cb6r5_ae7_aqkmt2, cb6r5m_ae7_aq, racm2_ae6_aq, saprc07tc_ae6_aq, saprc07tic_ae7i_aq, saprc07tic_ae7i_aqkmt2"

 set text = "gas chemistry mechanisms"
 echo "// " $text                                                  >> $Cfile
 set text = "$MechList"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModMech};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "tracer modules"
 echo "// " $text                                                  >> $Cfile
 echo "// options are trac0, trac1"                                >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModTrac};"                                         >> $Cfile

 if ( $?potvortO3 ) then
    set text = "use potential vorticity free-troposphere O3 scaling"
    echo "// options are" $text                                    >> $Cfile
    echo "Module ${ModPvO3};"                                      >> $Cfile
    echo                                                           >> $Cfile

 set text = "aero6"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModAero};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "acm_ae6, acm_ae6_kmt, acm_ae7_kmt2, acm_ae6_mp, acm_ae7"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModCloud};"                                        >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "// compile for inline process analysis"
 echo $text                                                        >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModPa};"                                           >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "// compile for integrated source apportionment method"
 echo $text                                                        >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModISAM};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 if ( $?DDM3D_CCTM ) then
   set text = "// compile for decoupled direct method in 3d"
   echo $text                                                        >> $Cfile
   echo "Module ${ModDDM3D};"                                        >> $Cfile
   echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "util"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModUtil};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "diag"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module ${ModDiag};"                                         >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "stm"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module stm;"                                                >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 set text = "cio"
 echo "// options are" $text                                       >> $Cfile
 echo "Module cio;"                                                >> $Cfile
 echo                                                              >> $Cfile

 if ( $?ModMisc ) then
    echo "Module ${ModMisc};"                                      >> $Cfile
    echo                                                           >> $Cfile

# ============================================================================
#> Create Makefile and Model Executable
# ============================================================================
 unalias mv rm

#> Recompile BLDMAKE from source if requested or if it does not exist
 if ( $?CompileBLDMAKE || ! -f $BLDER ) then
   cd ${CMAQ_REPO}/UTIL/bldmake/scripts

#> Relocate to the BLD_* directory 
 cd $Bld

#> Set multiprocessor/serial options for BLDMAKE execution
 if ( $?ParOpt ) then
    set Blder = "$BLDER -verbose"
    set Blder = "$BLDER -serial -verbose"

#> Run BLDMAKE Utility
 set bld_flags = ""
 if ( $?MakeFileOnly ) then   # Do not compile the Model
    set bld_flags = "${bld_flags} -makefo"

 if ( $?CopySrc ) then
    set bld_flags = "${bld_flags}"
 else if ( $?CopySrcTree ) then   
    set bld_flags = "${bld_flags} -co"
    set bld_flags = "{bld_flags} -git_local" # Run BLDMAKE with source code in 
                                              # version-controlled git repo
                                              # $Cfile = ${CFG}.bld

 if ( $?Debug_CCTM ) then
    set bld_flags = "${bld_flags} -debug_cctm"

 if ( $?ISAM_CCTM ) then
    set bld_flags = "${bld_flags} -isam_cctm"

 if ( $?build_twoway ) then
   set bld_flags = "${bld_flags} -twoway"

#> Run BLDMAKE with source code in build directory
 $Blder $bld_flags $Cfile   

#> Rename Makefile to specify compiler option and link back to Makefile
 if ( ! $?build_twoway ) then
    mv Makefile Makefile.$compilerString
    if ( -e Makefile.$compilerString && -e Makefile ) rm Makefile
    ln -s Makefile.$compilerString Makefile

#> Alert user of error in BLDMAKE if it ocurred
 if ( $status != 0 ) then
    echo "   *** failure in $Blder ***"
    exit 1

#> Preserve old Config file, if it exists, before moving new one to 
#> build directory.
 if ( -e "$Bld/${CFG}" ) then
    echo "   >>> previous ${CFG} exists, re-naming to ${CFG}.old <<<"
    mv $Bld/${CFG} $Bld/${CFG}.old
 mv ${CFG}.bld $Bld/${CFG}

#> If Building WRF-CMAQ, download WRF, download auxillary files and build
#> model
 if ( $?build_twoway ) then

#> Check if the user has git installed on their system
  git --version >& /dev/null
  if ($? == 0) then
   set git_check
  if ($?git_check) then

    cd $CMAQ_HOME/CCTM/scripts
    # Downlad WRF repository from GitHub and put CMAQv5.4 into it
    set WRF_BLD = BLD_WRF${WRF_VRSN}_CCTM_${VRSN}_${compilerString}
    setenv wrf_path ${CMAQ_HOME}/CCTM/scripts/${WRF_BLD}
    setenv WRF_CMAQ 1

    if ( ! -d $WRF_BLD ) then 
      git clone --branch ${WRF_VRSN} ./$WRF_BLD >& /dev/null
      cd $wrf_path
      mv $Bld ./cmaq
      # Configure WRF
        ./configure <<EOF

      # Clean-up 
      rm -r $Bld
      cd $wrf_path

     # Compile WRF-CMAQ
     ./compile em_real |& tee -a wrf-cmaq_buildlog.log

     cd ${CMAQ_HOME}/CCTM/scripts




No, this is a combination between being the compiler’s flag, and the author of bldit not making the right allowances: for version 10 and later, the gfortran compiler-authors are choosing a stuffy and idiosyncratic interpretation. You either need to fix this code to match what they want (probably not what you want to do yourself) or else you need to add -std=legacy to the Fortran compile-flags.

1 Like

Thanks a lot for your reply! I added -std=legacy to myFSTD, myDBG, myFFLAGS and myFRFLAGS in config_cmaq.csh (I added it to all just to be sure). I also added it to CPP_FLAGS in bldit_cctm.csh, re-ran config_cmaq.csh then

cd /CCTM/scripts/
source bldit_cctm.csh gcc 11.4.0 |& tee build_cctm-log

It runs fine until it creates the makefile, then this happens:

Makefile generated
mpifort -c -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -std=legacy -fallow-argument-mismatch -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -ftree-vectorize -ftree-loop-if-convert -finline-limit=512 -std=legacy -I /home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/lib/x86_64/gcc11.4.0/ioapi/lib -I /home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/lib/x86_64/gcc11.4.0/ioapi/include_files -I /home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/lib/x86_64/gcc11.4.0/mpi -I. -std=legacy -Dparallel -Dparallel_io -Dm3dry_opt -DSUBST_BARRIER=SE_BARRIER -DSUBST_GLOBAL_MAX=SE_GLOBAL_MAX -DSUBST_GLOBAL_MIN=SE_GLOBAL_MIN -DSUBST_GLOBAL_MIN_DATA=SE_GLOBAL_MIN_DATA -DSUBST_GLOBAL_TO_LOCAL_COORD=SE_GLOBAL_TO_LOCAL_COORD -DSUBST_GLOBAL_SUM=SE_GLOBAL_SUM -DSUBST_GLOBAL_LOGICAL=SE_GLOBAL_LOGICAL -DSUBST_GLOBAL_GATHER=SE_GLOBAL_GATHER -DSUBST_GLOBAL_BCAST=SE_GLOBAL_BCAST -DSUBST_LOOP_INDEX=SE_LOOP_INDEX -DSUBST_SUBGRID_INDEX=SE_SUBGRID_INDEX -DSUBST_HI_LO_BND_PE=SE_HI_LO_BND_PE -DSUBST_SUM_CHK=SE_SUM_CHK -DSUBST_SE_INIT=SE_INIT -DSUBST_INIT_ARRAY=SE_INIT_ARRAY -DSUBST_COMM=SE_COMM -DSUBST_MY_REGION=SE_MY_REGION -DSUBST_SLICE=SE_SLICE -DSUBST_GATHER=SE_GATHER -DSUBST_DATA_COPY=SE_DATA_COPY -DSUBST_IN_SYN=SE_IN_SYN -DSUBST_PE_COMM=\"./PE_COMM.EXT\" -DSUBST_CONST=\"./CONST.EXT\" -DSUBST_FILES_ID=\"./FILES_CTM.EXT\" -DSUBST_EMISPRM=\"./EMISPRM.EXT\" -DSUBST_MPI=\"/home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/lib/x86_64/gcc11.4.0/mpi/include/mpif.h\" BDSNP_MOD.F
f951: Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 1135 [-Wtabs]
f951: Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 1140 [-Wtabs]
f951: Warning: Nonconforming tab character in column 1 of line 1145 [-Wtabs]

  399 |            EMPOL = SOILNOX *  3600.0 * 10.0**-9![ng N/m2/s] *  s/hr * g/ng
      |                                               1
Warning: Extension: Unary operator following arithmetic operator (use parentheses) at (1)

  405 |      &             *  3600.0 * 10.0**-9 ![ng N/m2/s] *  s/hr * g/ng
      |                                       1
Warning: Extension: Unary operator following arithmetic operator (use parentheses) at (1)

  408 |      &             *  3600.0 * 10.0**-9 ![ng N/m2/s] *  s/hr * g/ng
      |                                       1
Warning: Extension: Unary operator following arithmetic operator (use parentheses) at (1)

  412 |      &             *  3600.0 * 10.0**-9 ![ng N/m2/s] *  s/hr * g/ng
      |                                       1
Warning: Extension: Unary operator following arithmetic operator (use parentheses) at (1)

  586 |          IF ( .NOT. FLUSH3 ( SOILOUT ) ) THEN
      |                   1
Error: Function ‘flush3’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type; did you mean ‘close3’?
make: *** [Makefile:454: BDSNP_MOD.o] Error 1
**ERROR** while running make command

if ( ! 0 ) then
mv Makefile Makefile.gcc11.4.0
mv: 'Makefile' and 'Makefile.gcc11.4.0' are the same file
if ( -e Makefile.gcc11.4.0 && -e Makefile ) rm Makefile
rm Makefile
ln -s Makefile.gcc11.4.0 Makefile
if ( 0 != 0 ) then
if ( -e /home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v54_gcc11.4.0/CCTM_v54.cfg ) then
echo    >>> previous CCTM_v54.cfg exists, re-naming to CCTM_v54.cfg.old <<<
   >>> previous CCTM_v54.cfg exists, re-naming to CCTM_v54.cfg.old <<<
mv /home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v54_gcc11.4.0/CCTM_v54.cfg /home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v54_gcc11.4.0/CCTM_v54.cfg.old
mv CCTM_v54.cfg.bld /home/hector/CMAQ-5.4/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v54_gcc11.4.0/CCTM_v54.cfg
if ( 0 ) then

I experimented with removing -std=legacy from myDBG, myFFLAGS, and myFRFLAGS but got the same result. Same for removing it from CPP_FLAGS. I might be missing the right combination of where to put it and where not to though. If anyone could clarify where this flags is needed it would be a huge help.

I also looked for errors regarding “flush3” but only found this post, so that seems like a dead end too.

Maybe it would take less time in the end if I recompiled everything (NetCDF-C, NetCDF-FORTRAN, I/O API) from the beginning with a different compiler? GCC has been a little bit of a headache up until now. But maybe I’m so close that I might as well stick to it? Advice regarding this would also be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

These are different errors now (and at least one of them is an error which any good compiler should find):
The 3600.0 * 10.0**-9 is really stupid and betrays a lack of competence on the part of the code’s author: this should have been 3600.0E-9 or 3.600E-6.
The code should not need the FLUSH3 call, and if it did, it should have a declaration earlier in the code:


By the way, this is not really a “gcc” model-build – it is a “gfortran” build; that is also a malapropism on the part of the bldit-system authors.

– Carlie J. Coats, Jr., Ph.D.
I/O API Author/Maintainer

Thank you for all your help Dr. Coats. I think I’m going to go ahead and restart compiling CMAQ, now with Intel compilers to see if I fare better. I appreciate the support!