CCTM error running CMAQ5.3

Dear Sir,when I run cctm_scripts of CMAQ5.3,there are errors occur,but I check that my
Emission inventory has no negative emission rate.

   ERROR: Invalid Negative emission rate -4.001E-05 has been 
  for CMAQ species NAPH.
 Please inspect the Emission Control Namelist File.

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine EMISS_NEG_CHECK on PE 000 
 Negative Emissions Detected

PM3EXIT: date&time specified as 0
Date&time specified as 0

I recommend that you use CMAQv5.3.2. Some important updates were made to the DESID module to improve robustness and error logging, as well as adding new features.
If you still get this error, then check whether there is a line in the Emission Control Interface file (named EmissCtrl_*.nml) that computes NAPH from other species, perhaps the difference between XYL and XYLMN. That could account for this numerical error.

I also encountered this problem. What is the specific way to deal with this problem?

I also encountered this problem.

  • I have also encountered this problem. Have you solved this problem

This problem has been addressed as noted above with more detailed error logging and added features in CMAQv5.3.2 and now v5.3.3. Typically the problem is that a typo in one emission rule has caused all emission rules to be invalid.

In these cases, negative emissions may result from rules associated with science options, like subtracting fertilizer emissions to support NH3 bidi. But this would only occur if the Bidi option is turned on.

If upgrading to CMAQv5.3.3 is not an option, I recommend checking your emission control file rules thoroughly for typos. Feel free to post them to this forum for help.

Kind regards,
Ben Murphy

Hi everyone,
When I was running CCTM(with CMAQv5.3.2) in domain 3 , I got this error:
ERROR: Invalid Negative emission rate -2.316E-04 has been for CMAQ species NUMCOR.
Please inspect the Emission Control Namelist File.
*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine EMISS_NEG_CHECK on PE 016
Negative Emissions Detected
PM3EXIT: date&time specified as 0
Date&time specified as 0

The attachment contains CTM_LOG and run_ cctm. I’d appreciate any help from you!
Best regards,

run_cctm_2010_4CALIF1.profile.csh (35.0 KB)
CTM_LOG_008.txt (71.4 KB)

Hello Sunjing,

I’m sorry you’ve encountered this error. I’m having trouble thinking of a way this problem could happen based on the algorithms inside CMAQ. Is it possible there are emission rates less than zero on your input file?

Best wishes,