I re-ran the CMAQ with new NH3 emission inventory and came into the same issue again.
Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2014001:045200
Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:52:00 Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014
Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000400
ERROR: Invalid Negative emission rates have been detected from
GRIDDED_EMIS for CMAQ species NH3.
Please inspect the Emission Control Namelist File.
I have some ideas about this issue. After using merge program in SMOKE to process the new ammonia emission, I used the program called “combine-terra.exe” to produce gridded CMAQ input. Before running the combine-terra.exe, I need to set up two files which are “settings.txt” and “species_nei.txt”.
The settings.txt looks like this.
setenv SPECIES_DEF species_nei.txt
setenv OUTFILE emis_mole_new_all_20140103_12US1_cmaq_cb6cmaq_2014fa_nata_cb6cmaq_14j.ncf
setenv INFILE1
setenv INFILE2 emis_mole_ag_onlyNC_20140103_12US1_cmaq_cb6cmaq_2014fa_nata_cb6cmaq_14j.ncf
setenv INFILE3 emis_mole_ptaglivestock_20140103_12US1_cmaq_cb6cmaq_2014fa_nata_cb6cmaq_14j.ncf
The species_nei.txt looks like this.
/orig species ,units ,expression
ACET ,moles/s ,ACET[1]
ALD2 ,moles/s ,ALD2[1]
ALDX ,moles/s ,ALDX[1]
BENZ ,moles/s ,BENZ[1]
BUTADIENE13 ,moles/s ,BUTADIENE13[1]
CH4 ,moles/s ,CH4[1]
CH4_INV ,g/s ,CH4_INV[1]
CL2 ,moles/s ,CL2[1]
CO ,moles/s ,CO[1]
CO2_INV ,g/s ,CO2_INV[1]
ETH ,moles/s ,ETH[1]
ETHA ,moles/s ,ETHA[1]
ETHY ,moles/s ,ETHY[1]
ETOH ,moles/s ,ETOH[1]
FORM ,moles/s ,FORM[1]
HCL ,moles/s ,HCL[1]
HONO ,moles/s ,HONO[1]
IOLE ,moles/s ,IOLE[1]
ISOP ,moles/s ,ISOP[1]
KET ,moles/s ,KET[1]
MEOH ,moles/s ,MEOH[1]
N2O_INV ,g/s ,N2O_INV[1]
NAPH ,moles/s ,NAPH[1]
NH3 ,moles/s ,NH3[1]-NH3[2]+NH3[3]
NH3_FERT ,moles/s ,NH3_FERT[1]
NO ,moles/s ,NO[1]
NO2 ,moles/s ,NO2[1]
NVOL ,moles/s ,NVOL[1]
OLE ,moles/s ,OLE[1]
PAL ,g/s ,PAL[1]
PAR ,moles/s ,PAR[1]
PCA ,g/s ,PCA[1]
PCL ,g/s ,PCL[1]
PEC ,g/s ,PEC[1]
PFE ,g/s ,PFE[1]
PH2O ,g/s ,PH2O[1]
PK ,g/s ,PK[1]
PMC ,g/s ,PMC[1]
PMG ,g/s ,PMG[1]
PMN ,g/s ,PMN[1]
PNA ,g/s ,PNA[1]
PNCOM ,g/s ,PNCOM[1]
PNH4 ,g/s ,PNH4[1]
PNO3 ,g/s ,PNO3[1]
POC ,g/s ,POC[1]
PRPA ,moles/s ,PRPA[1]
PSI ,g/s ,PSI[1]
PSO4 ,g/s ,PSO4[1]
PTI ,g/s ,PTI[1]
SO2 ,moles/s ,SO2[1]
SOAALK ,moles/s ,SOAALK[1]
SULF ,moles/s ,SULF[1]
TERP ,moles/s ,TERP[1]
TOL ,moles/s ,TOL[1]
UNK ,moles/s ,UNK[1]
UNR ,moles/s ,UNR[1]
VOC_INV ,g/s ,VOC_INV[1]
XYLMN ,moles/s ,XYLMN[1]
As you can see, I kept all other variables unchanged. The only change I made is doing replacement with the NH3. The new NH3 will be “NH3[1]-NH3[2]+NH3[3]”. To make it clear, I subtract the NC NH3 emission from the original NEI gridded emission file and then add my new NH3 emission for NC. To me, it seems that the operation or formula is only applied for geographical substitution instead of the actual values. But I am not sure what combine-terra.exe does inside it. I think it is this step using combine program that induces some negative emission rates. I will go ahead to check the new output from combine and I will probably see some negative values across NC.
Based on my description, could you detect any part in the processing step that could induce the error of negative values? Could you share me some thoughts about it?
Thanks a lot!