CCTM running error, Could not open GR_EMIS_001 file

Hi CMAQ users and developers,

I am trying to run CCTM, it shows these following error messages.

 |> Reading Emission Control Namelist:
 Performing Basic Error Checks for Emission Scaling Rules

Error reading attribute VAR-LIST
netCDF error number -43 processing file “GR_EMIS_001”
NetCDF: Attribute not found

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine gridded_files_se on PE 000
 Could not open GR_EMIS_001                      file

PM3EXIT: date&time specified as 0
Date&time specified as 0

Could any help me out?
I am also attaching the log files, Metadata of emission file, and running script with this post.
CTM_LOG_000.v54_gcc_PRD_2008_20080101.txt (13.8 KB)
emis_mole_all_2008001.txt (11.3 KB)
job18397408.node482.err.txt (15.0 KB)
job18397408.node482.out.txt (135.7 KB)
run_cctm_PRD_200801.csh.txt (38.1 KB)


Hello Huan,

like the error message says, your emissions file does not have the required VAR-LIST attribute. Looking further at the ncdump of your emission file (emis_mole_all_2008001.txt), all emission variables are of type double rather than float, further violating conventions for CCTM emission files.

The underlying reason likely is the use of non-Fortran tools to generate this emission file since it results in a file not complying with I/O API conventions. Using Fortran tools than link in the I/O API library and then use those library functions to create and write to the emissions file would avoid these types of errors.