Error Generating GR_EMIS_001

Hi All,

Hope you will be able to advise, I have generated my own gridded emissions files for CMAQ (not using SMOKE) as I needed some very spesific temporal and species profiles applied . I have generated a NetCDF file using the global attributes of the MET_CRO_3D file. When I view these emissions inputs in ncdump it appears to have the exact same format as the benchmark gridded emission file used by CMAQ, however when I run CCTM I get the following error:

Error reading IDs for variable AACD ACE
netCDF error number -49 processing file “GR_EMIS_001”
NetCDF: Variable not found

From reading this post, on the forum (Error creating GRIDMASK) it seems that I cannot create a CMAQ input from only NetCDF functions, and I have to use some I/O API tools also.

Since I now have gridded hourly emissions for each model species I don’t need to do temporal or species profiling.

Can anyone suggest the most efficient way to convert these emissiosns files into the format needed for CMAQ? Could I sure the Spatial-Allocator or m3tools perhaps? I have attached the output from ncdump -h my netcdf emissions input file.
FIRE_INDO_2019_D01_20190830_txt.txt (9.7 KB)

Many thanks!

One thing I notice immediately is that TFLAG is integer, and the emissions-variables should be float not double. This is likely to cause many sorts of trouble…


variable AACD ACE

is some sort of naming screw-up; this should be two separate names AACD and ACET; the internal data structures in the file-header are almost certainly garbled. You would do best to look at various m3tools conversion programs like camxtom3 and wrftom3 to see how to write a conversion tool…

Thanks very much for this, I was about to use wrftom3 to generate emissiosn files which are now running fine

Hello,I have met the same questions. Could you please tell me how to use the wrftom3 to solve? Thanks very much

First, see the wrftom3 manual, – it is part of the I/O API’s M3Tools package, documented at

Hi hannah,

I had the same problem as you after adding variables to the emission file,How did you solve the problem?when I run CCTM I get the following error:

Error reading IDs for variable HF AL
netCDF error number -49 processing file “GR_EMIS_001”
NetCDF: Variable not found

Thank you for your help and look forward to your reply.

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