Hello, I would like to ask you a few questions. The first question is: Does the Jacobian matrix mentioned in CMAQ refer to the result of sensitivity identification in CCTM_ASENS_v54_intel_d01_20170222.nc file? If not, what does the Jacobian matrix have to do with sensitivity recognition?
The second question is whether CCTM_ASENS_v54_intel_d01_20170222.nc has a mature post-processing program. I want to convert it into the concentration format of the satellite, and then deal with the emission of the grid. How should this be handled? Best wishes
CMAQ-DDM-3D uses a Jacobian to propagate sensitivity fields through the chemistry module of the model. You need to go through the literature to understand exactly how that works. I suggest starting with Yang et al., 1997, which is the predecessor to what is currently in CMAQ.
To post-process results, the “combine” utility is a good starting point. Anything further needs to be customized by the user for their specific application.
To compare model data to satellite observations is complex research topic. This is something you need to figure out yourself after, again, reviewing relevant literature.