CMAQ-DDM-3D sensinput file setting about DDM3D_ES(emissions split into categories) sensitivity

I am using CMAQ_5.2-DDM-3D.I want to simulate the sensitivity of PM2.5 to NOx emissions from motor vehicles.So,first,I set DDM3D_ES to Y in run_cctm.csh script. Second,I set EGRIDFILE1 to /home/hml/ddm/model/data/EMISS/2019042100/,I set sensinput.cmas.dat to


I want to know if I set this up, right?
And,I have two questions about simulating the sensitivity of PM2.5 to NOx emissions from motor vehicles.
first,do I need to make a document on motor vehicle emissions (including only emissions from motor vehicles)? as “” ?
second,motor vehicle emissions are linear sources. I set “GRID” below EMIS line in sensinput.cmas.dat,is it right?

Thank you all for your time!

Yes, your sensinput setup is correct. You just need to make sure you have the right indents for each line - just mimic what the example file has.

“first” - You need to create a file of emission that you want to calculate the sensitivity to. Note that this file will not be counted by the base CMAQ model.

“second” - You set “GRID” for gridded files. Gridded files are emissions that are not point sources (EGUs, for example, are typically point sources).

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Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate your help!

Hello Professor @Sergey, and @hml

I am still a beginner in using CMAQ-DDM-3D, fortunately I have run successfully the CMAQ_v52_DDM-3D. I need help on the POST PROCESSSING of the sensitivity outputs; which tools should I use?

I have been able to use combine and VERDI to analyse the ACONC* output successfully.

NCL command language


发件人: Elly Yaluk via CMAS CENTER FORUM
日期: 2020年8月20日周四 傍晚5:10
主 题: [CMAS CENTER FORUM] [CMAQ-DDM-3D] CMAQ-DDM-3D sensinput file setting
about DDM3D_ES(emissions split into categories) sensitivity

Thank you so much for your your valued feedback. I am still continuously learning about sensitivity analysis using HDDM-3D.

Kindly, may I know how to identify (or compute) the 1st-Order and/or 2nd-Order sensitivity coefficients from the HDDM ASENS output?

For instance, I need to view (in VERDI or using NCL) the spatial and temporal variability of 1st-order and 2nd-order sensitivity coefficients of sulfate, nitrate and ammonium aerosols.

NOTE: So far, (using nitrate aerosol as an example), I have taken ANO3I_ENX as the 1st order sensitivity coefficient for nitrate aerosol sensitivity to NOx; and ANO3J_ENX as the 2nd-order sensitivity coefficients accordingly (VERDI output attached). Am I doing it right?

You identify the outputs by the names you gave them in the sensinput.dat file. For example, if “ENX” is the parameter name for the 1st order calculation, than ANO3I_ENX is the first order sensitivity of ANO3I and ANO3J_ENX is also the first order sensitivity but of the species ANO3J. ANO3I is Aitken mode nitrate and ANO3J is the accumulation mode nitrate in CMAQ. Check the general information about CMAQ species and specifically the DDM instructions on the github documentation tab for more information.

Thank you Prof. Sergey, your timely advice and guidance continues to improve my knowledge on this area as I learn more and deeper each time.

My next challenge is how to practically implement HDDM-3D for PM in ISORROPIA (the description in user documentation is a bit scanty). If there is a step-by-step procedure for this operation I would greatly appreciate.
