I just ran CMAQv5.3.2 for Jan 1 - March 1, 2014 using 2016 NEI emissions, and then used COMBINE and CALC_TMETRIC postprocessing tools to get monthly average of PM25_TOT and other PM25 components. I am getting very low average (of hourly) February PM2.5 for the Western US:
When I checked the inline emissions, windblown dust does not seem to show any emission during any hour of the day (28th Feb) in the CCTM_DUSTEMIS_* output file:
Also, COMBINE (or rather species definition file of cb6r3 mechanism) has this PM25_UNSPEC1 which is pretty high average hourly concentration:
Since I am very new to postprocessing CMAQ output, I am trying to figure if there maps make sense, so I have a few CMAQ quality check questions to see where things could have gone wrong:
- What are some diagnostic tests that I can do in CMAQ itself to make sure things went right, especially with the windblown emissions? How can I make use of CCTM_PMDIAG_* files here?
- How should I understand PM_UNSPEC1 from COMBINE tool as an entity?
- I should probably use ground observations to compare these simulations - is there a one-stop-shop to get the ground observations like IMPROVE, AQS and CASTNET for the present decade to compare with? May I also ask if AMET is the right tool for me to compare CMAQ monthly average of hourly PM2.5 (components and total) with observations?