CMAQv5.3.1 KZMIN Controls PURB Variable

  1. Does anyone know why it seems there is now a firm requirement in CMAQv5.3.1 that the PURB variable is available in the gridcro2d file? I have checked the CMAQv5 information that it can be avoided if KZMIN=N, but in the new centralized io subroutine retrieve_grid_cr, the model aborts if the PURB variable is not available regardless of the KZMIN setting.

I am probably missing the correct documentation on 5.3.1, so that could help too.

  1. On that note, I would also like to know if CMAQv5.3.1 could run with no fractional land use variables (i.e., LUFRAC_*) in the input files whatsoever, which seems a hard requirement to be included in the gridcro2d file still. So any further suggestions on any nuances I may be missing here would also be very much appreciated.

Thanks again!

Any information is much appreciated! Thank you,


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Hi Patrick,

Thanks for letting us know about these issues and we are testing a solution.


Thank you David, and I would be very interested in hearing about the updated solution.

Are you also checking on my other related post in regards to the centralized io subroutine and the INITIAL_RUN/SOILINP settings issue I posted in the forum:

“CMAQv5.3.1: SOILINP File and INITIAL_RUN Settings”

Thank you! Patrick

Hi Patrick,

I am now stuck in the same question. Have you addressed this issue? 

Thank you very much!

Hi @wangyj18,

@wong.david-c You sent me an email back on March 10, 2020 that this issue in #1 above has been fixed. Can you tell us more about it, and if the fix has been implemented in CMAQv5.3.2?

Thank you very much,


Hi Patrick,

Thank you for your reply! I’m now using CMAQv5.3.2. The mcip outputs I used were generated by others and unluckily, the variable PURB is missing. I have set KZMIN as N in the run.cctm script, but the CTM_LOG file still reported that “Error interpolating variable PURB from GRID_CRO_2D”.

Thanks again.

@wangyj18 Thank you for the clarification that you are indeed using CMAQv5.3.2. It may not include David Wong’s fix to our issue.

@wong.david-c Can you please clarify if this PURB fix made it into CMAQv5.3.2, and if not, can you provide more details on what code needs to change to get passed the error?

Thank you,

Patrick and Yunjie

Hi Yunjie,

In your GRID_CRO_2D file, does it have PURB variable?


Hi Yunjie,

 Patrick raised that issue about a year ago. I believe we have fixed that but the current in the repo does not show that. I will implement a fix in the code. At the mean time, if you need to get a copy of the modification so you can proceed with your work, please let me know.


Hi David,

It seems that the GRIDCRO2D file I used does not have PURB variable. I really want to proceed with my work now, so the copy of the modification would be helpful.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Yunjie,

Please send me an email at Thanks.


Hi David,

I’ve just sent you an email. Thanks a lot for your reply.
