CMAQv5.3 compiling: Makefile:448: recipe for target 'se_global_sum_module.o' failed

Hey all,

I am using PGI 18.5 to compile CMAQv5.3, somehow it fails to build the following files, detailed configuration file, build script, and log file are attached. Does anyone know how can I fixed those issues?

It looks like all these files are related to


but I do have that file built ready

[jhuang@SOL BLD_CCTM_v532_pgi18.5]$ ls se_pe*
se_pe_info_ext.f  se_pe_info_ext.mod  se_pe_info_ext.o
[jhuang@SOL scripts]$ grep fail *
grep: BLD_CCTM_v532_pgi18.5: Is a directory
bldit_cctm.cbr6ae6.log:Makefile:448: recipe for target 'se_global_sum_module.o' failed
bldit_cctm.cbr6ae6.log:Makefile:448: recipe for target 'se_internal_util_module.o' failed
bldit_cctm.cbr6ae6.log:Makefile:448: recipe for target 'se_slice_module.o' failed
bldit_cctm.cbr6ae6.log:Makefile:448: recipe for target 'se_global_max_module.o' failed
bldit_cctm.cbr6ae6.log:Makefile:445: recipe for target 'pshut3.o' failed
bldit_cctm.cbr6ae6.log:Makefile:448: recipe for target 'se_data_send_module.o' failed
bldit_cctm.cbr6ae6.log:Makefile:448: recipe for target 'se_global_min_module.o' failed
bldit_cctm.cbr6ae6.log:Makefile:448: recipe for target 'pwrgrdd.o' failed
bldit_cctm.cbr6ae6.log:Makefile:448: recipe for target 'se_data_recv_module.o' failed
bldit_cctm.cbr6ae6.log:Makefile:448: recipe for target 'se_twoway_comm_module.o' failed

config_cmaq.csh (10.8 KB)
bldit_cctm.csh (29.9 KB)
bldit_cctm.cbr6ae6.txt (156.6 KB)



You need to be using mpif90 instead of pgif90; you may need to build mpif90 for yourself or not, depending upon your host-computer’s setup):

mpif90 (and similarly for mpicc and mpiCC) is a “wrapper” script around a normal compiler; this wrapper “knows” where to find the relevant MPI include-files and libraries, so that you don’t need to worry about them yourself.

If someone didn’t already install it for you, then the usual process is this:

  • Decide on an MPI implementation (OpenMPI, MPICH, MVAPICH, …) and download its build-system.

  • Decide on a native set of “normal” Fortran, C, and C++ compilers and tell the MPI build-system to use them.

  • Invoke the MPI build-system: it will create a sub-directory structure with all the needed MPI include-files, library-files, module-files, and MPI-compilers mpif90, mpicc, etc.

  • Use the resulting mpif90 to build your model.