Compile error in ICON, BCON


I’m trying to compile CMAQ-5.3.1.

But error occurs while compiling the ICON, BCON process.

CCTM compiling is completed.

In ICON and BCON step, the make file is created, but I get the following error.

Makefile generated
mpifort HGRD_DEFN.o IC_PARMS.o VGRD_DEFN.o findex.o icon.o lat_lon.o lr_interp.o opn_ic_file.o m3_ck_ctmmet.o m3_ck_ctms.o m3_ck_icmet.o m3_driver.o m3_icout.o m3_vinterp.o prof_driver.o prof_icout.o prof_vinterp.o -L/home/tech/tech6/dilab/Simple_run/SRC/CMAQ-v5.3.1/master/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/lib -lioapi -L/home/tech/tech6/dilab/Simple_run/SRC/CMAQ-v5.3.1/master/lib/x86_64/gcc/netcdff/lib -lnetcdff -L/home/tech/tech6/dilab/Simple_run/SRC/CMAQ-v5.3.1/master/lib/x86_64/gcc/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf -o ICON_v531.exe
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmpifort
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmpi
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [ICON_v531.exe] Error 1
ERROR while running make command

Any help please?

If the CCTM compilation succeeded, then it managed to find the MPI libraries correctly. So compare the CCTM.exe* compile-line with the ICON.exe* compile-line above…