Downloading WRF/MM5 and PAR files

@wong.david-c @cjcoats @cgnolte @lizadams @tlspero @bbaek @Akhila @hogrefe.christian


I’m working on a project that already has netcdf, ioapi, and mcip installed but requires WRF or MM5 files and PAR files to be downloaded, is there a particular website where I can download it from and also can someone please guide me through the installation steps and how the wrfout* and files are generated.

Thank you in advance.

I’m unclear at the specific application. We do host some meteorological model data via the EQUATES project. These are 12 km CONUS and 108 km N. Hemisphere model outputs from WRF. These are distributed as MCIP that was processed from WRF outputs. So if your application needs MCIP. This may serve your need.

If you need meteorological model outputs tailors for a different area, grid scale or time period and need to run WRF, this is a much more involved process on your end and would need to consult WRF documentation and resources. We can help in that regard if needed.


CMAQ no longer supports data from MM5, so you will need to have some data from WRF. NCAR, which maintains and distributes WRF, has an online tutorial that you could complete (ARW OnLine Tutorial), if you cannot get data from EQUATES, as suggested by @rgilliam.
