EPA 2016v1 SMOKE ptegu run: What is "ussa" means in the EPA SMOKE output?


I am exploring the EPA SMOKE CMAQ ready output for the ptegu sector from here ftp://newftp.epa.gov/air/emismod/2016/v1/postv1_updates/ptegu_2023_2028/ and I can see the SMOKE output file name has "ussa"
for example here : 'inln_mole_ptegu_summer_20160506_12US2_cmaq_cb6_2028fh1_ussa_16j.ncf"

But when I ran SMOKE using same scripts and directory_definition file ftp://newftp.epa.gov/air/emismod/2016/v1/
directory_definitions_12US2.TXT (3.9 KB)
ADEQ_Annual_ptegu_daily_winter_12US1_2028fh1_16j.txt.txt (7.5 KB), my output file name has
no "ussa"

When I am reading the readme https://gaftp.epa.gov/Air/emismod/2016/v1/2016_v1_platform_package_30apr2021.txt , I see a line " the files that CAMx needs are the emis2d file with “+ss” in the name (includes sea salt), and the mrgpt file"

My questions are:

  1. Why the output name is different using the same scripts? Is ussa has any significant meaning in the file name?
  2. Is it something related to sea salt +ss?. If it is, how do I address that in the SMOKE input provided here ftp://newftp.epa.gov/air/emismod/2016/v1/

Thanks in advance

Ussa is short for US source apportionment. It’s possible some files were uploaded from a source apportionment case, but it’s not a problem that your files don’t have ussa in their name.

You’ll want to include sea salt in the low-level emissions you provide to CAMx. The CAMx conversion scripts with the package should help you set that up.

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Thank you so much for the response. Your help is greatly appreciated.