SMOKE output file missing for ptnonipm sector of EPA 2016v1

I ran SMOKE for the ‘ptnonipm’ sector from the EPA 2016v1 platform using same scripts and inputs file from here

I used this script for the 12US1
T1_Annual_ptnonipm_daily_12US1_2028fh_16j.txt (7.0 KB)
And the run is successful. But when I see the output files I can only 66 output files (I ran for a year, so for each day 1 file and total file should be 366?), meaning there are some days with missing output file.

For example , we can see missing file for the 20160106, 20160107, 20160108, 20160111 to 20160207

Could anyone please help me to understand why there are missing files?

Note: I checked pre-merged EPA output files for the ‘ptnonipm’ sector from the IWDW website IWDW IWDW Login which also has the same missing files.

Thanks in advance

Unlike ptegu sector, you do not need to run ptnonipm sector for every day since there is a similar weekly patterns within the month. If you read the README file from the NEI package, you will find out the reason behind it. Check out L_TYPE and M_TYPE in your run scripts. These flags define the temporal resolution for each sector.

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Some additional info: If you review the emissions modeling TSD available on this page,

If you review the temporal settings Table 3-19, you’ll see that not all sectors have files produced for every day and instead specific days are used to represent emissions for other days of the same month.


Thank you @bbaek @eyth.alison for your kind help.

Hello @eyth.alison and @bbaek

Thank you so much for the help. I have one more question:

So, in the scripts L_type and M_type is ‘mwdss’, which means Monday, weekdays, Saturday, and Sunday .

Now, If I want to convert these files for the CAMx input file as 1 file for each day. How do I understand which file (dated file) is representative of which date?
For example, for the 2028fh ptnonoipm I have following dates for the January and December:

1/1/2028 Sat 12/5/2028 Tue
1/2/2028 Sun 12/6/2028 Wed
1/4/2028 Tue 12/10/2028 Sun
1/5/2028 Wed 12/11/2028 Mon
1/9/2028 Sun 12/24/2028 Sun
1/10/2028 Mon 12/25/2028 Mon
12/26/2028 Tue
12/27/2028 Wed

So, Do I just copy Monday file for Januray to all other Monday’s in January?

If it is , Than what if I have 2 Monday files ( like in December)?

Thank you

When we do future year modeling in this way, it is with respect to a particular base year. So when you run CAMx with 2028 emissions you’ll still use 2016 dates. I recommend that you review the scripts for running with 2028 emissions in our modeling platform packages for examples. There are README files as well. We prepare the emissions in CMAQ format first, then convert them for CAMx use. Please review the README and existing scripts and let us know if you have further questions.

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Hi Iqbal,

You would need to use a smk_merge_dates_{month}{year}.txt file. Please check the readme file that comes with the Emissions Platform that you are using.

You can see how this is read by the CMAQ run script in the following example run script that is provided with CMAQv5.3.2

set EMDATES = $INPDIR/emissions/smk_merge_dates_${YYYYMM}.txt

I found the following README that mentions the file here:

“smk_merge_dates/: Our emissions platforms process sectors with “representative
days” - for example, one day per week for a month, rather than every day of
the month. This reduces computational requirements. Our Mrggrid sector merge
script uses a set of “merge dates” files when running Mrggrid for each calendar
day, which tells the run script which representative day maps to each calendar
day. Merge dates files for 2016 are part of the core package.
To create merge dates files for other years, a script is provided here.”

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Yes, but this file is already provided with the package for the 2016v1 platform, so you shouldn’t have to make anything new to get it to work – just use what is there.

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Hello @eyth.alison @lizadams
Sorry for the late reply. So, I tried to use 2028fh_16j/scripts/merge/Sector_merge_12US1_2028fh_16j.csh script
TRIAL_Sector_merge_12US1_2028fh_16j.csh.txt (6.0 KB) , the directory definitions file used for both sector merge and original SMOKE run is here
directory_definitions_12US1_ARDEQ.csh.txt (4.0 KB)

I am getting an error:

  • ERROR detected in logfile:
  • /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/intermed/mrggrid/logs/mrggrid_all_2028fh_16j_20151222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_nobeis_norwc.log

The logfile is
mrggrid_all_2028fh_16j_20151222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_nobeis_norwc.log.txt (2.8 KB)

The error says:

ERROR: input file not found: FILELIST

 Could not open input file "FILELIST".
 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine MRGGRID
 Ending program "MRGGRID".

I couldn’t find ‘filelist_2028fh_16j_12US1_12.lst’ file in my original SMOKE output files. How would I generate that file?

Thanks in advance

The FILELIST is a temporary file that should be created on the fly by the run script itself. One quick thing to check – does the /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/intermed/merge/ directory exist? If not, maybe that’s why the FILELIST wasn’t created, although the scripts are also supposed to create that directory.

If this doesn’t point you towards an answer it could be helpful to see the standard output that was produced.

The directory exists
[Michael@ADEQPlanning merge]$ pwd

I couldn’t find any outputs except following files
rep_logs_mrggrid_2028fh_16j_12US1_all_level1.csv.txt (407 Bytes)

-rwxrwxrwx. 1 Michael Michael 407 May 10 10:16 rep_logs_mrggrid_2028fh_16j_12US1_all_level1.csv
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 Michael Michael 479 May 10 10:16 rep_logs_mrggrid_2028fh_16j_12US1_all_level3.csv

The errors says

priority,known,count,message type,first file
1,True,1,’*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine’,/run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/intermed/mrggrid/logs/mrggrid_all_2028fh_16j_20151222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_nobeis_norwc.log
1,True,1,‘ERROR: input file not found:’,/run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/intermed/mrggrid/logs/mrggrid_all_2028fh_16j_20151222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_nobeis_norwc.log

Please help

Hello @eyth.alison

I am sorry for too many questions.

I couldn’t figure out the issue. Would you please help me to find out the issue?


When you run the script, there are normally messages that are printed to the window – this is the Standard output.

Can you provide that? It may provide some clues as to why the file is not being created.

Also, are you running the scripts as they were provided or did you change them?

Hello @eyth.alison
Sorry for the late reply. The standard output from the terminal:

[Michael@ADEQPlanning merge]$ echo SMK_HOME /home/Michael/Documents/SMOKE [Michael@ADEQPlanning merge] ./TRIAL_Sector_merge_12US1_2028fh_16j.csh
testing SRGPRO_PATH set by SRGPRO input: /home/Michael/Documents/SMOKE/2016setupEPA/ge_dat/gridding/surrogates/CONUS12_2014_30apr2019/
NOTE: Default MONTH setting to ‘jan’
cut: /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/scripts/sectorlist_2028fh_02aug2019_v0: No such file or directory
/bin/ls: No match.
/bin/ls: No match.
/bin/ls: No match.
/bin/ls: No match.
SCRIPT NOTE: Setting months with no partial months
SCRIPT NOTE: Getting representative merge dates path from MRGDATE_FILES
SCRIPT NOTE: Using spinup dates for month 12 of previous year during merge
cat: /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/scripts/sectorlist_2028fh_02aug2019_v0: No such file or directory

Running merge script for 12/22/2015, using data files:

cut: /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/scripts/sectorlist_2028fh_02aug2019_v0: No such file or directory
cut: /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/scripts/sectorlist_2028fh_02aug2019_v0: No such file or directory
cut: /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/scripts/sectorlist_2028fh_02aug2019_v0: No such file or directory
Running part 4, for 20151222…

SCRIPT NOTE: Automatically deleting log file.

 This program uses the EPA-AREAL/MCNC-EnvPgms/BAMS Models-3      
 I/O Applications Programming Interface, [I/O API] which is      
 built on top of the netCDF I/O library (Copyright 1993, 1996    
 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata         
 Program) and the PVM parallel-programming library (from         
 Oak Ridge National Laboratory).                                 
 Copyright (C) 1992-2002 MCNC,                                   
 (C) 1992-2018 Carlie J. Coats, Jr.,                             
 (C) 2003-2012 Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems, LLC, and   
 (C) 2014-2020 UNC Institute for the Environment.                
 Released under the GNU LGPL  License, version 2.1.  See URL     
 for conditions of use.                                          
 ioapi-3.2: $Id: init3.F90 185 2020-08-28 16:49:45Z coats $
 netCDF version 4.7.4 of Apr  7 2021 16:50:09 $
 SMOKE ---------------
 Copyright (c)2004 Environmental Modeling for Policy Development
 All rights reserved

 Program MRGGRID, Version SMOKEv4.7_Oct2019
 Online documentation                 
 Program MRGGRID reads 2-D area, biogenic, mobile, and 3-D
 point source emissions and merges into a single 3-D file.
 The time period merged is adjusted based on the latest
 starting file and earliest ending file.  All variables are
 merged, even if different variables are in each file.
 You will need to enter the logical names for the input and
 output files (and to have set them prior to program start,
 using "setenv <logicalname> <pathname>").
 You may use END_OF-FILE (control-D) to quit the program
 during logical-name entry. Default responses are given in
 brackets [LIKE THIS] and can be accepted by hitting the
 <RETURN> key.

0.004u 0.010s 0:00.03 33.3% 0+0k 19336+0io 13pf+0w
SCRIPT NOTE: timetracker is replacing line 2 of the TIMELOG file
now checking log file /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/intermed/mrggrid/logs/mrggrid_all_2028fh_16j_20151222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_nobeis_norwc.log

  • ERROR detected in logfile:
  • /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/intermed/mrggrid/logs/mrggrid_all_2028fh_16j_20151222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_nobeis_norwc.log

ERROR: detected in mrggrid
ERROR: Running smk_run for one-time steps
log analyzer
Getting message data (might take some time)…
grep: /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/intermed/mrggrid/logs: Is a directory
grep: /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/intermed/mrggrid/logs: Is a directory
Finished getting data
Classifying message types…
Total number of known messages: 2
Total number of unknown messages: 0
Level 3 analysis…
Finished classifying message types
log analyzer
Getting message data (might take some time)…
grep: /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/intermed/mrggrid/logs: Is a directory
grep: /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/intermed/mrggrid/logs: Is a directory
Finished getting data
Classifying message types…
Total number of known messages: 2
Total number of unknown messages: 0
Level 1 analysis…
Finished classifying message types
Testing for exit priority <= 1
ERROR: At least one message’s priority is less than or equal to the exit priority: 1
ERROR: Level 1 errors or Level 0 warnings found. Check log files, fix inputs, and rerun.
[Michael@ADEQPlanning merge]$

I have changed only following line from the original script in ’ Sector-specific parameters’ :

setenv OCL2ROOT “$INSTALL_DIR/ocean_cl2/cl2_” to

setenv ptnonipm "/run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/smoke_out/2028fh_16j/12US1/cmaq_cb6/ptnonipm"

Hello @eyth.alison

I ran the SMOKE merge script again without modifying the OCL2ROOT option
TRIAL_Sector_merge_12US1_2028fh_16j.csh.txt (5.9 KB)
directory_definitions_12US1_ARDEQ.csh.txt (4.0 KB)
Now, I am getting following error (terminal output) and I can see a # sign before ptnonipm sector below , I am trying to get daily files for the ptnonipm sector:

[Michael@ADEQPlanning merge]$ ./TRIAL_Sector_merge_12US1_2028fh_16j.csh
testing SRGPRO_PATH set by SRGPRO input: /home/Michael/Documents/SMOKE/2016setupEPA/ge_dat/gridding/surrogates/CONUS12_2014_30apr2019/
NOTE: Default MONTH setting to ‘jan’
/bin/ls: No match.
/bin/ls: No match.
/bin/ls: No match.
/bin/ls: No match.
SCRIPT NOTE: Setting months with no partial months
SCRIPT NOTE: Getting representative merge dates path from MRGDATE_FILES
SCRIPT NOTE: Using spinup dates for month 12 of previous year during merge
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector onroad_ca from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector onroad_nonconus from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector afdust from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector afdust_ak from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector afdust_ak_adj from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector cmv_c1c2_12 from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector cmv_c3_12 from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector othafdust from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector othptdust from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector othpt from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector ptagfire from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector ptagfire3D from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector ptegu_summer from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector ptegu_winter from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector ptfire from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector ptfire3D from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector ptfire_nonconus from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector ptfire_nonconus3D from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector ptfire_othna from mrggrid
SCRIPT NOTE: Excluding sector ptfire_othna3D from mrggrid

Running merge script for 12/22/2015, using data files:

SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2016fh_16j/premerged/mrggrid/emis_mole_beis_20151222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2016fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf’: No such file or directory
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
## ptnonipm /run/media/Michael/HD-LBU3/ptnonipm_ARDEQ/2028fh_16j/premerged/mrggrid/emis_mole_ptnonipm_20161206_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: data file expected but not found:
SCRIPT ERROR: One or more input files expected by script
does not exist.

The files in /premerged/mrggrid directory are below:

[Michael@ADEQPlanning premerged] ls mrggrid ptnonipm [Michael@ADEQPlanning premerged] cd mrggrid/
[Michael@ADEQPlanning mrggrid] ls emis_mole_afdust_adj_20161222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_ag_20161222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_airports_20161206_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_nonpt_20161206_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_nonroad_20161206_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_np_oilgas_20161206_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_onroad_20161222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_onroad_ca_adj_20161222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_onroad_can_20161206_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_onroad_mex_20161206_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_othafdust_adj_20161222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_othar_20161206_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_othptdust_adj_20161222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_ptnonipm_20161206_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_pt_oilgas_20161206_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_rail_20161206_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf emis_mole_rwc_20161222_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2028fh_16j.1.tmp.ncf [Michael@ADEQPlanning mrggrid] pwd

Would you please help me?


The merge script seems to be set up properly with respect to spinup. The stdout indicates that the emissions for sectors other than ptnonipm are missing.

The script is expecting to find the emissions for most sectors in:


For example, there should be an onroad emissions file with the following full path / filename:




Check this for all of the sectors first. Biogenics (beis) are a bit different; for that sector, the emissions will be in 2016fh_16j/premerged/beis/ instead of 2028fh_16j.

When the merge script runs, it will create a temporary link or copy of the emissions file for each sector in the premerged/mrggrid directory. So that’s why the premerged/mrggrid directory is mentioned a lot in the script output. Go ahead and manually create this directory if it doesn’t already exist:


Hi @eyth.alison

Thank you so much for your response.
So, Here is what I am trying to do. I ran SMOKE for ‘ptnonipm’ sector ( I don’t want to run any other sector for now) by using same setup as EPA by using these scripts
directory_definitions_12US1_ARDEQ.csh.txt (4.0 KB)
T1_Annual_ptnonipm_daily_12US1_2028fh_16j.txt (7.0 KB) which created both /smoke_out/inln files and /premerged/emis_mole files for the 12US1 in the following directories (screenshot).

Now, I just want to get ‘daily’ files only for the ‘ptnonipm’ sector:

  1. Do I need to run other sectors (on road , non road , etc. ) too?
  2. You mentioned that " The script is expecting to find the emissions for most sectors in:


For example, there should be an onroad emissions file with the following full path / filename:"

So, Does that mean I have to run other sectors too even if I don’t need other sectors for my project?

For my project, I will just modify some emissions in the ‘ptnonipm’ sector. Then I need to create same type of output files as EPA and get the ‘daily’ files for the CAMx input.

Would you please help me to understand?

If you do not need to run any other sector but nonptipm, then you do not need to run the merge script since you do not merge with any other sectors. You can directly convert ptnonipm daily inline files as well as 2d gridded emissions (emis_mole…ncf) for CAMx using CMAQ2CAMx tool.


Hi, you don’t need to run all of the sectors yourself, but to make a complete set of input data for the AQ model, you need to have the other data available for the scripts to merge it together. If you are using EPA data for the rest of the sectors, the results of those sectors need to be live in the directories you are using for the merging. The premerged emissions for 2028fh are available from the Intermountain West Data Warehouse. Did you download those?

Hello @bbaek

Yes, I don’t need to modify emissions in any other sectors. So, I just need to work with the ‘nonipm’ sector. And I can successfully convert CMAQ formatted SMOKE output to CAMx format.

But as I mentioned, SMOKE output has missing days[comment#1] ( because of temporal allocation in L_TYPE & M_TYPE).

I am trying to get one file for each day for CAMx input. When I ran CMAQ2CAMx tool, it’s still giving me those missing days (screenshot:please see the skipped days)


How do I get files for the missing days?