ERROR ABORT in subroutine ADVSTEP on PE 000 Wrong vertical coordinate type

I’m encountering an issue while trying to run CCTM (CMAQ_v521), and I’m receiving the following error message:

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine FLCHECK on PE 000
 Inconsistent header data on input files
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 1:00:00   Sept. 18, 2023(2023261:010000)

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  End  FLCHECK = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

 Value for CTM_MAXSYNC:  300
 Value for CTM_MINSYNC:  60
 Value for CTM_ADV_CFL:  0.95
 Value for SIGMA_SYNC_TOP:  0.7
 Value for ADV_HDIV_LIM not defined; returning default :  0.9
 Maximum horiz. div. limit for adv step adjustment                               

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine ADVSTEP on PE 000         
 Wrong vertical coordinate type
 Date and time 1:00:00   Sept. 18, 2023 (2023261:010000)

application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0) - process 0

I would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue. Can someone provide guidance on this matter?


Check to see what vertical coordinate type was used in your WRF simulation. The error message indicates it used a vertical coordinate type that CMAQv5.2.1 did not know about, likely the hybrid terrain-following vertical coordinate, which became the default beginning with WRFv4.0.

CMAQv5.3 was updated to handle this coordinate, see this release note.
It is recommended that you update to CMAQv5.4, released in October 2022.
You will probably also need to rerun MCIP.


Thank you for your assistance. I successfully resolved the initial error by adjusting the relevant variable in the WRF namelist (hybrid_opt = 0).

However, a new issue has arisen, and I am encountering the following error:

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine INIT_MET:INTERPX
 Variable "LUFRAC_01" not in file GRID_CRO_2D
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 0:00:00   Sept. 18, 2023(2023261:000000)

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine INIT_MET on PE 003        
  Error interpolating variable LUFRAC_01 from GRID_CRO_2D

PM3EXIT: DTBUF 0:00:00 Sept. 18, 2023
Date and time 0:00:00 Sept. 18, 2023 (2023261:000000)

Although I have a file in the MCIP outputs, and I included the following line in the CCTM run script:

setenv LUFRAC_CRO $METpath/

The error persists. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue?

This resolved by switching to WRFv3.9 and using mcip version compatible with CMAQv5.2.1:

*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine INIT_MET on PE 003
Error interpolating variable LUFRAC_01 from GRID_CRO_2D

CMAQv521 expects land use fractions to be included in GRIDCRO2D, but starting with MCIP version 4.5 released in 2018, those fields are now included in the LUFRAC_CRO file and CMAQ versions 5.3 and higher read land use information from that file.

You could conceivably process your WRF fields with MCIP version 4.3 or older to generate the structure of the GRIDCRO2D file expected by CMAQv521, though there were a number of science improvements and bug fixes in both MCIP and CMAQ since those versions so the recommended approach is to use the latest versions of both MCIP and CMAQ for your work.

You could also write a custom tool that takes the contents of the LUFRAC_CRO file generated by your newer version of MCIP and adds it to the contents of one of your GRIDCRO2D files, and then specify that modified GRIDCRO2D file as input to CMAQv521. To do so, you would take layer 1 of variable LUFRAC in file LUFRAC_CRO and write it as LUFRAC_01 to the modified GRIDCRO2D, take layer 2 of variable LUFRAC in file LUFRAC_CRO and write it as LUFRAC_02 to the modified GRIDCRO2D, etc.

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Ah, I see: I had forgot about that GIS-layering. It is in fact a good reason for the LUFRAC file; GIS-layering is simpler and more flexible than hard-coded names for land-use-types. – Carlie