I’m using WRFv45-CMAQv54 coupled model and try to run a coupled test case. After changing land-surface model to Pleim-Xiu scheme, I found an error like this:
*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine Init_LSM on PE 000
Land use scheme not supported
Date&time specified as 0
Here are my runscript and log file. If there is any mistake, please let me know. Maybe I miss some detail setting about PX LSM in namelist. namelist.input.txt (7.2 KB) rsl.out.0000.txt (27.3 KB) run_cctm_WRFCMAQ.csh (52.1 KB)
Check the geogrid file: geo_em.d01.nc
With ncdump -h geo_em.d01.nc
Let us know if this is the landuse dataset?? This does work with WRFv4.6.0+, but not prior versions. You can redo your landuse using NLCD40 which is our prefered landuse.