Hello,all, I got some problems in runing CMAQ5.2-CCTM, could anyone help me ?
My simulation lasted for a month, but there was an error on the last day. So I reset the script like :
set START_DATE = “2020-01-30”
set END_DATE = “2020-01-30”
Then run it again. The error message is as follows:
Note, that the output log file name depends on what you are using in your run script, and whether you are using the batch queue to submit your jobs.
#SBATCH -o cmaq_error_log_%j.txt
Once you find which per-processor log file has an error message (not all of them will have the message), you may need to use cat or another command see the messages just prior to the error message.
grep -B 10 error CTM_LOG*
man grep
-B num, --before-context=num
Print num lines of leading context before each match. See also the -A and -C options.