What could this error be indicating when running CMAQ:

Basically, CMAQ is exiting in like few seconds from the moment it starts to run with the error above in the standard output. The standard error is below:

intable: Subscript out of range.
intable: Subscript out of range.
intable: Subscript out of range.
intable: Subscript out of range.
intable: Subscript out of range.
intable: Subscript out of range.
intable: Subscript out of range.
intable: Subscript out of range.
/bin/rm: No match.
srun: TOPOLOGY: warning -- no switch can reach all nodes through its descendants.Do not use route/topology

Warning: Process to core binding is enabled and OMP_NUM_THREADS is set to non-zero (1) value
If your program has OpenMP sections, this can cause over-subscription of cores and consequently poor performance
To avoid this, please re-run your application after setting MV2_ENABLE_AFFINITY=0
Use MV2_USE_THREAD_WARNING=0 to suppress this message
srun: error: c-207-9: tasks 0,20,22,26-27,29: Exited with exit code 2
srun: error: c-207-23: tasks 39-40,51-52,54,57-58: Exited with exit code 2
tail: cannot open ā€˜buff_CMAQ_CCTMv531_user_20200511_194816_704849307.txtā€™ for reading: No such file or directory
(standard_in) 2: syntax error
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
1 Like

What the ā€œI/O STATUS = 10ā€ means is compiler-dependent. If you are using Intel ifort, then it means that
OPEN(...STATUS = 'NEW'...) as in INITLOG3 refuses to over-write an existing file. Remove the $LOGFILE before running CMAQ.

Or set the shell variable CLOBBER_DATA to TRUE.

Actually, I have CLOBBER_DATA set as TRUE, and I do not see log files - only the small file CCTM_v531_intel17.2_2016_CONUS_20140102.cfg as the output. I am a little unsure about the mpirun part of the code:

( /usr/bin/time -p mpirun -np $NPROCS $BLD/$EXEC ) |& tee buff_${EXECUTION_ID}.txt

Would simple mpirun $BLD/$EXEC not run CMAQ?

Edit: Actually, before the log files are placed in user specified $LOGDIR, they are initially at CMAQ_Project/ and may have been moved under $LOGDIR if CMAQ runs.

run_cmaq_rasel.csh (804 Bytes) Hy Iā€™m facing similar kinds of errors. Hereā€™s my job error output:

 ***  ERROR in INIT3/INITLOG3  ***
 Error opening log file on unit        99
 I/O STATUS =        17
 File: CTM_LOG_000.v532_gcc_AQF5X_20200601

srun: error: NODE067: tasks 48-63: Exited with exit code 2
srun: error: NODE065: tasks 32-47: Exited with exit code 2
srun: error: NODE063: tasks 0-15: Exited with exit code 2
srun: error: NODE064: tasks 16-31: Exited with exit code 2
real 2.25
user 0.01
sys 0.01

** Runscript Detected an Error: CGRID file was not written. **
** This indicates that CMAQ was interrupted or an issue **
** exists with writing output. The runscript will now **
** abort rather than proceeding to subsequent days. **


Start Day: 2020-06-01
End Day: 2020-06-01
Number of Simulation Days: 1
Domain Name: AQF5X
Number of Grid Cells: 4099550 (ROW x COL x LAY)
Number of Layers: 35
Number of Processes: 64
All times are in seconds.

Num Day Wall Time
01 2020-06-01 2.25
Total Time = 2.25
Avg. Time = 2.25

Also, please see my CCTM script.run_cctm_rasel.csh (35.5 KB) run_cmaq_rasel.csh (804 Bytes)

Any suggestion on how to fix this?

What compiler was used to build this CCTM executable? ā€“ I/O status values vary from compiler vendor to compiler vendor, and ā€œI/O STATUS = 17ā€ cannot be interpreted without knowing what compiler was used.

At a guess, it is not built using an Intel compiler, for which 17 means ā€œsevere (17): Syntax error in NAMELIST inputā€ā€¦ (

At a further guess, the log-file already existed when you tried to run the program: is this the case?
The I/O API refuses to clobber existing logfile-data because that would ā€œdestroy the chain of evidenceā€, disrupting the integrity of the model-management system.

Iā€™m using gcc compiler and there is no log file in my cctmout directory.

This is going to be in your run-directory, not your CCTMOUT directory.

I removed the log files (CTM_LOG_061.v532_gccā€¦) in my run directory before I run my script. However, still, itā€™s giving me the same error.

I removed the log files (CTM_LOG_061.v532_gccā€¦) in my run directory before I run my script. However, still, itā€™s giving me the same error. After run If when I open log file I see following error:

ā€”>> WARNING in subroutine RDTFLAG
Time step error for file: GR_EMIS_001
M3WARN: DTBUF 12:00:00 June 1, 2020 (2020153:120000)

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine XTRACT3
 Time step not available for file:  GR_EMIS_001
 M3WARN:  DTBUF 12:00:00  June 1, 2020  (2020153:120000)

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine retrieve_time_de on PE 000
 Could not extract GR_EMIS_001      file

PM3EXIT: DTBUF 12:00:00 June 1, 2020
Date and time 12:00:00 June 1, 2020 (2020153:120000)

How can I resolve this?

If I recall correctly, whenever I got ā€˜Could not extract GR_EMIS_001 fileā€™ error, it would be because the 2d gridded emission stream fed to CMAQ as GR_EMIS_001 in the run script did not have a specific timestamp, which in your case would be 12:00:00 June 1, 2020 (2020153:120000). Could you try to do ā€˜ncdump -v TFLAGā€™ of the GR_EMIS_001 file and check if it has time stamp of 2020153:120000?

Good answer, skunwar.

BTW, you can usually get some clue by looking at the log-message generated by routine OPEN3() for file GR_EMIS_001: it will tell you the fileā€™s starting date&time, time-step, and number of steps ā€“ something like:

"A" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY
File name "/work/SCRATCH/HTR_CRO_2D_G0.std04b.200821806"
File type GRDDED3
Execution ID "RTOFS-prod-2008218-06"
Grid name "US_45_STD04B_CRO"
Dimensions: 93 rows, 129 cols, 1 lays, 40 vbles
NetCDF ID: 4 opened as READONLY
Starting date and time 2008218:060000 (6:00:00 Aug. 5, 2008)
Timestep 001500 (0:15:00 hh:mm:ss)
Maximum current record number 481

indicating that file $A starts at 6:00:00 Aug. 5, 2008 and has 481 steps with 15-minute timesteps (for a duration of 32 hours (counting fenceposts on both ends --2008218:060000 through 2008218:140000 ). Thereā€™s a reason I put in a lot of work on log-messages: theyā€™re there to help you.

@skunwar @cjcoats Iā€™ve figured out the error. My emission input file name was different than the one Iā€™ve mentioned in CCTM script. After correcting it, itā€™s running fine. Thank you so much for your help.

Dear @cjcoats ,

Iā€™m running CMAQ benchmark and I got a similar error but with a different I/O STATUS while running version 5.3.2. Below is the error that I have:

** Error opening log file on unit 99**
** I/O STATUS = 2**
** DESCRIPTION: Cannot open file ā€˜CTM_LOG_000.v532_gcc_Bench_2016_12SE1_20160701ā€™: File exists**

** File: CTM_LOG_000.v532_gcc_Bench_2016_12SE1_20160701**

Iā€™m using gcc and gfort compilers with mpich. I have followed all the recommendations of this forum (CLOBBER_DATA TRUE, removed all LOGS) but I got the same error. Could you guide me to solve this error?

I appreciate your help,



So donā€™t just blindly trust the scripts: check for yourself whether the file CTM_LOG_000.v532_gcc_Bench_2016_12SE1_20160701

Thanks for your reply @cjcoats.

Yes, they exist. The files have been created in my run directory.

OK, if they exist then the scripts failed you; you need to remove them manually before running CMAQ.

Iā€™m having the following issue with INIT3/INITLOG3:

     ***  ERROR in INIT3/INITLOG3  ***
     Error opening log file on unit        99
     I/O STATUS =         9
     DESCRIPTION: permission to access file denied, unit 99, file /nasa/hpe/mpt/2.25_rhel79/lib/CTM_LOG_000.v532_intel_Bench_2016_12SE1_20160701

     File: CTM_LOG_000.v532_intel_Bench_2016_12SE1_20160701

Iā€™ve looked in the ioapi source code at init3.F90 and initlog3.F but havenā€™t been able to decode unit 99 or I/O STATUS = 9. Can you please let me know what this I/O STATUS is referring to? The issue seems to be that itā€™s trying to write the CTM_LOG* files to the directory that contains mpirun, which is a directory containing my shared computerā€™s module files. Iā€™ve correctly defined $WORKDIR and $LOGDIR. Iā€™m using an intel compiler.

This issue just began because the computerā€™s operating system was changed from SLES to TOSS. On SLES, CMAQ ran correctly. Using the same CMAQ_REPO but re-building the CMAQ_PROJECT using new modules available on TOSS is what caused this error.

Thank you!

I/O error status numbers are compiler specific, so one needs to know what the underlying compiler for your mpif90 is (mpif90 is actually a script around conventional Fortran+C compilers that knows which libraries and which include-files to use, so you are highly dependent upon the underlying compiler.)

If itā€™s Intel ifort/icc, then you are in luck; the numbers are well-documented at; STATUS=9 is

severe (9): Permission to access file denied
FOR$IOS_PERACCFIL. Check the permissions of the specified file and whether the network device is mapped and available. Make sure the correct file and device was being accessed. Change the protection, specific file, or process used before rerunning the program.

If itā€™s some other compiler, google for that compiler and ā€œruntime error codesā€. If itā€™s gfortran, well, donā€™t expect anything useful (thatā€™s a major reason itā€™s not my preferred compiler) ;-(

Thank you! Iā€™m using Intel icc so that error code makes sense with the error in the log file:

     ***  ERROR in INIT3/INITLOG3  ***
     Error opening log file on unit        99
     I/O STATUS =         9
     DESCRIPTION: permission to access file denied, unit 99, file /nasa/hpe/mpt/2.25_rhel79/lib/CTM_LOG_000.v532_intel_Bench_2016_12SE1_20160701

     File: CTM_LOG_000.v532_intel_Bench_2016_12SE1_20160701

However, Iā€™m still unsure why CMAQ is trying to write the CRM_LOG* files to that location (/nasa/hpe/mpt/2.25_rhel79/lib/), which is the $MPI_LIB_DIR. Could it be an issue with the MPI module that Iā€™m using; maybe itā€™s somehow changing the working directory to $MPI_LIB_DIR instead of $WORKDIR? Please let me know if youā€™d like me to attach any of the CMAQ files.