Error in CMAQv5.3.2 CCTM

Hi, all
I got a problem from CMAQv5.3.2 CCTM program.
I used saprc07tic_ae7i_aq mechanism. And I used mcipv5.1 program for using meteorology data.
But I got this problem when I ran CCTM program.
I’ve seen some answers, but it’s a little different from my question. I tried to rewrite the number of iterations, but it didn’t work.
I don’t know how to solve the problem.
I attached my CTM.LOG file!
Thanks CTM_LOG_002.saprc07tic_ae7i_aq_intel_cn36_2020_20200625.txt (85.9 KB)

Please review the tutorial on how to use the DESID module to make sure that it is set up correctly for your run?

The following output in your log file seems to indicate a problem.

   CMAQ Species     Phase/Mode  Surrogate         Region             Op ScaleFac Basis FinalFac
    ------------     ----------  ---------         ------             -- -------- ----- --------
      NO2              GAS        NO2              EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      NO               GAS        NO               EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      CO               GAS        CO               EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      SO2              GAS        SO2              EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      HCHO             GAS        HCHO             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      ACETONE          GAS        ACET             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      BENZENE          GAS        BENZ             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      ALK1             GAS        ALK1             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      ALK2             GAS        ALK2             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      ALK3             GAS        ALK3             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      ALK4             GAS        ALK4             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      ALK5             GAS        ALK5             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      OLE1             GAS        OLE1             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      OLE2             GAS        OLE2             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      ARO1             GAS        ARO1             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      HCHO_PRIMARY     GAS        HCHO             EVERYWHERE         a   1.000    UNIT  ******
      VLVPO1           GAS        POC              EVERYWHERE         a   0.000    MASS   0.000