Hello teachers, I encountered an error when running the CMAQ-combine module, I tried to merge one month’s ACNOC files, but an error occurred:
NCAGT: : NetCDF: Attribute not found
Error reading netCDF file attribute FTYPE.
netCDF error number -43 processing file “OUTFILE”
NetCDF: Attribute not found
ERROR while openning OUTFILE
could anybody help me?Thanks!
run_combine.csh (6.1 KB)
run_combine.log (2).txt (310.3 KB)
I used ncdump -h to view ACONC file, as shown in the figure:
Does the OUTFILE as specified in your run script ( ${POSTDIR}/COMBINE_ACONC_${APPL}_$YYYY$MM.nc) already exist when you start your script? If so, try deleting it and then run the script again. I also suggest adding a ‘echo $OUTFILE’ command to the script just after the ‘setenv OUTFILE’ command to make sure it is being set to a path and file name that you expect.
What may have happened is that an initial unsuccessful run of the script may have created a corrupted OUTFILE. The combine
executable will open OUTFILE in “unknown” mode (create a new file if it doesn’t exist, and attempt to write to a file if it exists already). Your error message suggests that the file already exists but that reading its header data (necessary to determine whether new data can be added to the existing file) fails.