Error in smkinven while running daily ptfire (inline)

Hi all,

I’m encountering an error in smkinven and elevpoint while running inline ptfire using a GFED daily inventory (2016). I formatted the FF10 similar to the annual and daily 2011 FINN inventories but when I first run the annual parameters:


I get an error in elevpoint where the intermediate PDAY is not found:

Value for PROMPTFLAG: N returning FALSE
PDAY :/aa/mvenece/SMOKE4_nc7/data/inventory/mex_by17_gspro_othar_SAPRC07TB/pday.point.mex_by17_gspro_othar_SAPRC07TB.ncf

 >>--->> WARNING in subroutine OPEN3
 File not available.

 Could not open file "PDAY".

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine ELEVPOINT
 Could not open file "PDAY".

When I run the daily inventory files using

I get an error in SMKINV:

Successful open for emissions file:

 Value for PROMPTFLAG:  N returning FALSE
 Variable name VNAME3D(    9  ) = "SO2" duplicates VNAME3D(    8  ) = "SO2" in file "PDAY"
 Error creating netCDF variable SO2
 netCDF error number  -42  processing file "PDAY"
 NetCDF: String match to name in use
 Could not open file "PDAY".

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine OPENPDOUT
 Could not open file "PDAY".

Has anyone seen this issue before and could point me in a few directions? I think there is a misalignment somewhere in the intermediate file PDAY variable VNAME3D but I am unsure if there is a specific environment setting I am missing or a bug in my executables.


@melissavenecek. Looks like you need to manually remove previous PDAY output file. Smkinven is trying to overwrite these variables to your existing PDAY output file which contains a different number of variables. Please find the location of PDAY file from your LOG file and then rerun Smkinven with DAY_SPECIFIC_YN = Y.

Hi BH, thanks for the reply. When I run with DAY_SPECIFIC_YN = N, I get an error in elevpoint that PDAY can’t be located (ie it was not created). It should be in data/inventory/$INVOP/ but it is not creating the file. I also get a note in elevpoint stating that the Hourly emissions file is required to determine actual daily emissions for evaluating emissions-based criteria for elevated and/or PinG source selection. So, when I run with DAY_SPECIFIC_YN = Y I then get the error in smkinv stating that :

Value for PROMPTFLAG: N returning FALSE
Variable name VNAME3D( 9 ) = “SO2” duplicates VNAME3D( 8 ) = “SO2” in file “PDAY”
Error creating netCDF variable SO2
netCDF error number -42 processing file “PDAY”
NetCDF: String match to name in use
Could not open file “PDAY”.

Therefore PDAY is not created either.

Unfortunately PDAY is never created in either case (DAY_SPECIFIC_YN = Y or DAY_SPECIFIC_YN = N) so I’m not sure why it would hit an overwrite error unless there is an intermediate step that I am missing.

Thanks again for any feedback!

So there is no incomplete PDAY output file from DAY_SPECIFIC_YN=Y? I think it will be best for me to review your Smkinven log file with “DAY_SPECIFIC_YN=Y” so then I can tell whether there is a previously created PDAY output file or not. Check your log file and look for PDAY and check the location of file location. Smkinven normally creates the output file with some header information in the beginning and then fill actual values later.