Hi all,
I’m trying to run cctm with the date from 20160424 to 20160504, with run_cctm.csh. I compiled mcip all of the dates, and compiled icon and bcon to 20160424. However, some messages happened, ls: cannot access * at my log files. I cannot find what is wrong for me. Please help.
Here is my run_cctm.csh file and cctm.log file. run_cctm.csh (24.0 KB)
Also I set environmental variable $OUTDIR to /home/dasol/CMAQ_v5.2.1/data/160424_160504/output_CCTM_v521_intel_160424_160504 ,
but it suddenly changed into /home/dasol/CMAQ_v5.2.1/data/160424_160504/160504/icon .
I wanted to know why, but I couldn’t. Please help.
The ${CMAQ_DATA} environment variable is defined in the config_cmaq.csh script that is sourced at the top of the run script.
The ICpath or directory path is defined in the script as follows:
set ICpath = $CMAQ_DATA/$GRID_NAME/icon
For the first time that the model runs, the definitions within the first part of the if clause take effect.
if ($NEW_START == true || $NEW_START == TRUE ) then
setenv ICFILE ICON_v52_160424_160504_profile
Note, there was no definition for ICpath, so it uses the definition set earlier in the run script.
One option is to reset this ICpath definition to be the same as the definition of your $OUTDIR if that is where you placed the initial condition file.
The second day of the model run, the else portion of the if-else-endif clause will be used.
#> Initial conditions
if ($NEW_START == true || $NEW_START == TRUE ) then
setenv ICFILE ICON_v52_160424_160504_profile
setenv INITIAL_RUN Y #related to restart soil information file
rm -rf $LOGDIR/CTM_LOG*${RUNID}* # Remove all Log Files Since this is a new start
#mkdir -p $OUTDIR
set ICpath = $OUTDIR
Perhaps there is a setting for $OUTDIR in your shell environment that is overriding the setting in the runscript? Please also look for the definition of $OUTDIR in your config_cmaq.csh
echo $OUTDIR
If this environment variable is set, then use the following command to unset it.
unsetenv OUTDIR
Or, it may be set in your ~/.cshrc file.
grep OUTDIR ~/.cshrc
If that is the case, you will need to edit it, and remove the definition.