Some questions about run_cctm in CMAQ5.4

Hello everyone,

I am a beginner with CMAQ and have successfully compiled Benchmark. However, I encountered some issues when using my own emission inventory. I noticed that in the run_cctm_Bench_2018_12NE3.csh script, there are two input EMISfile locations: one for the nobeis inventory and one for the res_fire inventory. If I only have one emission inventory, do I only need to input one EMISfile?

Another question is, when I run the run_cctm script, I encounter a (standard_in)syntax error as follows. Will this affect my results?

Hi Cynthia,

It is likely that error message (you circled in red) is associated with shell language (you might have modified the run script) issue. As long as at the end of the log file which contains “PROGRAM COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY”, you should be fine.
