I am able to use the new PostgreSQL Surrogate Tool to generate surrogates for a RegularGrid. However, I couldn’t figure out how to use it to generate surrogates for EGrid. Is EGrid supported by the PostgreSQL Surrogate Tool?
Can you be more specific about EGrid? What is EGrid? We are not familiar with it.
Thank you very much BH for the response. EGrid is one of the three grid types supported by the Surrogate Tool. The other two are RegularGrid and Polygon, see https://github.com/CMASCenter/Spatial-Allocator/blob/master/docs/User_Manual/SA_ch05_surrogate.md#postgres.
For Egrid, each grid cell is defined by the lat,lon of the center and four corners of the grid cell. Below is the definition of the first grid cell copied from the egrid definition example file (egrid_arc.dat) included in the SA package:
Thanks again!
could you send me some guide for new PostgreSQL tool? I am working on the surrogate file using the old srgtools. However, it works slowly.
I don’t think it has been officially released yet. However, scripts and instruction of how to use it are included in the latest SA-TOOLS version 4.3.2 downloadable from the CMAS website https://www.cmascenter.org/sa-tools/, see also PostgreSQL Surrogate Tool - CMASWIKI for how to install this tool. I need it to generate surrogates for processing emissions using the EPA 2014/2014/2016 emissions inventory.
Junhua, We are getting close to releasing this product. We would appreciate your feedback on how it is working for you once it is released. I don’t have the exact release date but it should be sometime in the next few weeks.
@junhua.zhang. Egrid is not currently tested with upcoming PosgreSQL surrogate tool yet but conceptually it can be processed through PostgreSQL tool once you set Egrid as polygon output modeling domain shape.
- Download shapefiles or pg shapefile tables
All shapefiles are dumped to directory pg_tables to facilitate tables restore.- Location?
unc location: /proj/ie/proj/EMAQ/Platform/Surrogates/2014/Spatial-Allocator/pg_srgcreate/shapefiles/pg_tables
- Location?
the above is from the guide document of pg_tools. How can I download the pg shapefiles?
hi, could you mind give us a possible time of releasing the pg_surrogate?
It will be released by the end of this month. Some details of release note will be followed soon after the release.
@gaga, @junhua.zhang @eyth.alison @cseppan @epenning
The latest PostgreSQL/PostGIS surrogate tool has been released to the GitHub. We are currently working on the quick guide book with sample run scripts and small set of Shapefiles for your test runs as well as full user’s guide.
Please check out the latest codes from
Also, the full list of GIS Shapefiles for PG surrogate tool are available from CMAS Data Warehouse:
Thanks BH for the good news :-)!
Thanks for the great news.
Hi, i have install the postgresql on linux, however, i have no idea how to initialize it.
In terms of initializing Postgres, it’s installation dependent, which is why we don’t have instructions. Please search for your Linux distribution and Postgres installation instructions, i.e. “centos postgres initialize”, “ubuntu postgres initialize”, etc